Chapter 32

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Easton's POV

I have plus dust all over me from dunking the ball. I know I was wanting another girl but I couldn't help the excitement build in me when I saw the blue. Especially with Lizzie wanting a boy so badly.

We are being congratulated left and right. I am feeling a bit overwhelmed so I let Lizzie know I want to clean some of the stuff off and she nods kissing my lips once again. I head out of  the bathroom cleaning up my face as best as I can. I go towards the party but instead head outside to get some fresh air.

"Hey, congratulations." I'd recognize that voice anywhere. I turn and see her standing behind me. She reaches up and rubs her thumb across my jaw bone. I freeze at her touch, and she smile at me.

"Missed some." I smile and let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding.

"Thanks, how are you?" I ask and she smiles shaking her head.

"Good thanks, but definitely very surprised to see you." She says and I nod letting out a small laugh.

"Well I kinda figured by the look on your face when Lizzie pointed to me. I was sort of expecting you once I saw all Lizzie's Marvel friends. Then you didn't show up right away so I thought maybe Lizzie told you who she's with."

"No she didn't she just told me she was with someone new and she wanted me to meet him at the gender reveal." She admits and I smile knowing Lizzie is excited about us. I don't say anything so she speaks again.

"She obviously doesn't know about us and what happened."

"She knows I got another woman pregnant years ago and she lost the baby but she doesn't know it was you. She's the only person that knows about that." I admit not looking at her.

"What? You didn't tell Margot or Mary Kate?" She asks shocked and I just shrug. "Just didn't feel like something I should share and I know Margot was my wife but that was something I buried deep down and it didn't resurface till last night. I only think about that on the anniversary of when we lost him."

"Well I haven't told anyone either. I thought about calling you on that first year but I was so mean to you and cutting you off wasn't the right thing to do but I think about you and our son every year."

"Me too Scarlett. I can't even imagine what it was like for you. Probably 100 times worse than me. I was happy when I heard you had your daughter. Then again when you had your son with Colin."

"Thank you and I was when I heard about your daughter she really is a mini Margot but she has your smile." She says and I look over at her eye brows furrowed.

"What?" She asks and I shake my head, "Nothing, it's just Lizzie said the same thing. Can I see pictures of them?" I ask hesitantly and she nods pulling out her phone. She show me a recent picture of Rose and Cosmo together and they look so much like Scarlett. It makes me smile and I go to say that but then I hear my own daughter,

"Daddy?" She opens the door and sees me running up to me and I pick her up. "What's up Sweetheart?"

"Can I have a cupcake? Lizzie told me to come ask you." I nod and say, "That sounds yummy let's both get one."

"Scarlett, do you want a cupcake with us?" She asks sweetly and Scarlett nods and we all head inside. Lizzie sees us all walk in together and tilts her head in question. I shake my head and give her a look telling her I'll fill her in later. The rest of the party goes fine and we bid everyone goodbye.

I just finished bringing some of the gifts we got today and I hear Spencer excitedly talking to Margot, "Mommy! I'm getting a baby brother! You should've seen Daddy today. He took the basketball and dunked it like he does. Then poof this blue dust came out!"

"Wow, that's awesome sweetie. Sounds like you had a very exciting day." Margot says and Spencer answers, "Oh yeah! I also met all of the superheroes and Black Widow. She was the best, and she told me to call her Scarlett. She was so nice. She had a cupcake with me."

I watch her as she yawns and Margot saw it too. "Alright sweetie you can tell me more tomorrow. Have Daddy put you to bed. I love you."

"Okay I love you too Mommy. Night night." She then hangs up the FaceTime. She makes grabby hands at me. I smile walking over to pick her up and take her to her room. Lizzie is resting in the bedroom.

"Wait Daddy, I want to say good night to Lizzie and baby brother." She says and I take her in the room. Lizzie looks up from her book and she smiles at the tired girl. She crawls into the bed up to Lizzie giving her a big hug and a cheek kiss. "Good night Lizzie, I love you." We both freeze at that. She has never said that before. She then puts her small hand on her belly and leans down whispering.

"Good night baby brother. I love you." She kisses the bump and crawls back towards me. I look at Lizzie and she has tears brimming her eyes. I pick up my daughter and put her to bed. She almost falls asleep instantly after I say good night.

I make sure everything is locked up and head to our room. Lizzie is changing into one of my shirts for bed in. I come up behind her wrapping my arms around her middle.

"She told me she loves me." She says and I kissed her neck nodding. "She did baby. She's so excited for this baby too. She was telling Margot about it, she also enjoyed meeting Scarlett."

"Yeah, you've met her before today didn't you?" She turns around to look at me. I can't lie to her so I just nod.

"She's one of your friends with benefits." She states and I shake my head.

"No...s-she was the woman that lost the baby..." I say letting go and turning away from her.

"She seemed so worried about her pregnancy with Cosmo. Even though her pregnancy with Rose when perfectly. It makes sense now. Yesterday was the first time seeing her in a while?"

"11 years. She told me to leave her alone the day after she lost our son." I say and Lizzie snaps her head up at that last word.

"She gave you your first son?" She questions as I look as her I can see the insecurity in her eyes.

"Technically, but look at me. Our son is ours and I will love him with all my heart. Because he is a part of you which you have always owned a part of my heart." She has tears brimming her eyes and she smiles.

"Just a part?" I laugh at that question she asks jokingly. "Yes Lizzie, you're gonna have to share with my daughter and our son now."

"Fine." She kisses me and pushes me back towards our bed and taking off my clothes in the process. I think I'm gonna like this phase of pregnancy.

AN: Things are settling down...or are they? I love drama so watch out guys what do you think will happen?

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