Chapter 24

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Easton's POV

I'm back in New York much to my reluctance, my Lizzie bubble was getting so comfortable. I knew that it had to come to an end. I also now have to figure out a way to tell Spencer that she is going to get a sibling. I hope that she won't take it negatively, she's been the only child now for 5 years. Practice this week was rough, I have a game tonight and I'm exhausted. I'm stretching during warm ups near the fans floor seat, when I hear someone say, "Looking good James."

I look up to see Nina, "Dobrev, I haven't seen you at one of my games in a while." I stand up and give her a hug. "Oh well don't get excited, Shawn has a friend on the Celtics. You be careful out there I saw your game last week you look like you hurt your shoulder pretty good. How is it?"

"It's fine, just a little sore but saw the team doctor and she said it was good-" The buzzer sounds so I wave and I head towards the bench. We start the game and we get the tip off. I'm get tossed the ball I drive to the basket and make my layup. I rush down the court and get ready for defense. I keep an eye on my guy he runs through the paint they try to set me up to get screened but I see it coming so I take the path away from the screen they don't see it coming. They pass the ball and I steal the pass and I have a clear opening to our basket. I got for the layup and I make the shot but as I come down from the jump I land wrong, I hear a pop and then all I feel is pain in my knee.

I yell out and fall to floor grab a hold of my knee. I hear the whistle being blown, coach and the team doctor are by my side. The crowd is dead silent, the doctor starts asking me question and starts checking out my knee. "The joint is out of place and his knee is starting to swell. We need to get him off the court." I'm on my back now arms over my face trying to hide the tears that have formed with the pain being so intense. "Easton, we need to get you into the locker room then to the hospital." The doctor says and I nod, two of my teammates grab my arms to pull me up. I put no wait on my left knee and they put both arms around their shoulders and walk me off the court. The crowd is applauding me. I throw up a thumbs up to let them know I'm good.

Once I'm put in the ambulance my phone is buzzing in my bag, "Will you hand me my bag?" I ask the paramedic and he grabs it handing it to me. I pull out my phone and see Lizzie's picture pop up.

Me: Hi Sweetheart.
Lizzie: I was watching! What's wrong? I've never heard you scream like that, the commentators said it's bad if you couldn't walk off you didn't even put weight on it!
Me: Um...we don't know for sure. But it's my knee and I heard a pop I might have torn my ACL or MCL or maybe both. I'm on my way to the hospital for an MRI.
Lizzie: Is your mom meeting you?
Me: No, she's down in Florida on vacation.
Lizzie: Margot and Spencer?
Me: No Margot has Spencer with her in LA actually doing some interview and I had back to back games this weekend. So it's just me.
Lizzie: I'm getting a flight right now.
Me: Lizzie, no you have work I'll be-"
Lizzie: We have a break, the director had some emergency. I got flight leave in two hours, I'll be there as soon as I can. I hate that you are alone right now.
Me: Well, I'm excited that you're coming sucks that it's under these circumstances.

We pull up to the ER doors.

Me: Oh I have to go we're at the hospital. I'll call you once I know more. I love you sweetheart.
Lizzie: I love you too.

I hang up and then I get another call and it's Margot. They get me off the ambulance as I answer.

Me: Hi Margot, what's up.
Margot: Are you okay? Spencer and I were watching, we saw and Spencer is worried about you.
Me: They think it might be torn ACL or MCL, maybe both.
Margot: Oh Easton...I'm sorry, do you think it could be that?"
Me: Yeah I heard the pop, the team doctor said the joint was out of place and it started swelling so fast. But I'm at the hospital now, they have me lined up for an MRI. I'll call you and Spencer as soon as I can.
Margot: Okay, I'll let her know.
Me: Thank you.

I hang up with her and they wheel me into a ER room, and the ER doctor comes in immediately. "Easton James, I'm a big fan. Let's get your work up and sent up to MRI as soon as possible."

"Thanks, Doc." I get more ice and some medicine to relieve some of the pain. But even though I'm an NBA player I still have to wait which is okay I don't like getting special treatment because I know is there are more important injuries than my knee injury.

I text my mom because I was surprised that she didn't call me so she must have not been watching.
Me: Hey mom, I'm in the hospital I'm pretty sure I tore my ACL or MCL at tonight's game. If you watch the highlights.

I pull up the game on my phone and luckily we are winning. I watch the entire game and we won. I haven't been able to head up to MRI. Lizzie texted that she was getting on the plane about 30 minutes ago. I let her know that I'm still waiting to get the MRI.

About another hour later a nurse comes in, "Sorry about the wait Mr. James, but I'm here to take you up."

"No worries, there's people here with more life threatening injuries." I say and she gives me a look like she's shocked that I'm being this patient.

"It's nothing, but most of the pro athletes we get are in a horrible mood and are usually demanding we take them up right as they get here." She says as she gets me ready to head.

"Yeah I was never one for the spot light." She raises her eyebrow at me and I laugh, "Yes I know, kind of hard to stay out of the spot being an NBA player but I just love to play basketball. So I just make sure I don't act like those other athletes you are talking about."

"Well us in the medical community appreciate people like you. But it is your turn for an MRI so let's got." She says and we head up. Once I get set up in the MRI machine I lay back and wait.

I didn't realize I fell asleep till the nurse is waking me up, "Sorry Mr. James but you are all done. Is there someone here to pick you up, the doctor will put a quick fix on your knee till we get the results of the MRI back shouldn't take longer than 24 hours." She puts me back on the bed and heads to an exam room to have a temporary cast put on.

"Um no I can call a cab." I say as she hands me my phone as I look up the ETA of Lizzie's flight. She has about 2 hours left. She wheels me into the exam room and she leaves to go get the doctor. Then the door flies open and I see a very angry MK.

"Hey MK.."
"Don't 'Hey MK' me Easton James! You stop talking to me after getting back with my sister and you know I'm the only one in town and I have to get a call from said sister that you are in the hospital alone due to you getting hurt tonight at your game! You're still my best friend and I know you feel guilty about telling Lizzie about you and me. Like you think she'll be jealous but now you know she is okay with us still being best friends!" She yells at me and I just take it because I know she's right.

"I'm sorry, you're right I've been an ass."  She nods and then smiles, "Well since we got that out of the way, what happened?"

"Pretty sure I tore my ACL or MCL maybe both." I tell her knowing that this is a serious thing but I can feel the possibility looming over me that my basketball career could be over. It hurts but this could be good for me. I can be a more present father for Spencer and then my future baby with Lizzie. Before she can respond the doctor comes in and does the temporary case and lets me know that they will call with the results of the MRI to see the extent of the injury but it most likely is a torn ACL and MCL. He also told me I need to prepare myself and I just nod.

"Alright, let's get going. Lizzie wants you at my house, Ashley is going to pick her up when her flight gets in." She informs me and I know that I can't argue with her and Lizzie. We get to the twin's house and she carries my bag as I hope along on crutches to the guest room. I lay down in bed, "Do you need anything?" MK asks and I shake my head.

"No I'm good I just want to rest my eyes. Just tell Lizzie to wake me up when she gets here." I tell her and she nods grabbing my hand she squeezes it. "Thank you, MK." She walks out and I lay back falling asleep.

I feel someone's hand playing with my hair as I stir awake. Opening my eyes to beautiful green ones, I smile, "Hi beautiful." She smiles at my freshly woken face. "How was the doctor?" I forgot what happened for a minute there and now I remember that I may have a career ending injury. I start to feel the tears, "L-Lizzie...he s-said that I need to prepare myself." She scrunches her eyebrows. "This could end my career in basketball."

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