Chapter 22

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Lizzie's POV

"Oh no..." I say staring at the tampon in my bag. "How much longer do we have?" I ask wanting to know so I can go get a pregnancy test.

"We just need this last scene to stay on schedule. You feeling okay to go on?" The producer says and I nod. Luckily the scene was fast and I didn't feel nauseous anymore. I get out of my costume clothes into my street clothes rushing to the store I find the pregnancy tests and I don't know which one to get so I grab multiple different brands.

As I'm walking back to the checkouts I pass by a jar of pickles and I grab one along with a huge bottle of water. Making my way home chugging down the bottle of water. I get home and bust into the jar of pickles. I'm reading the directions in the pregnancy tests and I know it's stupid you just pee in the stick but I'm nervous. I have to pee so I grab all the tests and head towards the bathroom.

I have 4 tests lined up and the timer set then my phone rings and Easton's picture pops up. I answer and I smile when I see the smile I love so much on his excited little daughter's face. "Lizzie! Look at my room!" She turns the camera around showing off her newly decorated room. She's talking a million miles a minute. It makes me smile seeing her so excited.

As she moves around Easton comes into view and he's in shorts and no shirt, "Oh there's Daddy. Sorry he's being weird and not wearing a shirt. He says he's hot but I think it's perfect." "That's because you my sweet girl get cold easily." I laugh and then my laughter is interrupted by the timer. I look down at the 4 tests and they all show me what I already knew. I'm pregnant with Easton's baby, something I dreamt of since we were in high school.

"Lizzie?" His deep voice pulls me out my daydream. "Mm?" I focus back on the screen and he has a worried look in his face. "Are you okay? You look pale? Have you been sick?" He asks and I love how much he pays attention. I really don't want to tell him over the phone that he's going to be a father again.

"Yeah, I think I ate something that my stomach didn't agree with so I was sick all day at work." I answer being as honest as I can without lying to him.

"Oh I'm sorry did you take something for the nausea?" He asks and I nod. "When do you have a game out here?" I ask and he smiles, "I was actually going to tell you we have one Thursday night and was going to ask if you'd like me to stay over the weekend?"

"Yes! Of course I'd love you it if you stayed. I'll come to the game and you can come to set Friday I want to show you my world." I say excitedly and he giggles at my excitement. I've been to his games and I haven't involved him in my job. "Well I know I haven't seen you actually on the set but I have been apart of your world since you started. I've seen all your stuff."

I can feel my cheeks heat up. "Oh wow...all of them?" I ask and he laughs nodding. "Oh yeah...but hey I need to tuck Spencer into bed. I'll talk to you tomorrow." I nod "I love you E." "I love you too." We hang up and I stare back down at the tests on my counter. I throw three away, keep one for memory. Just have to wait a few days to tell him, I can do that.

Easton's POV

We are down by 3 and we are being heavily defended so I decide to drive through the defense as I go for the layup I'm fouled and the guy was rough about it. I fall to the floor but I look up to see if I made it as the buzzer sounds and I did. I shout, "AND ONE!!" I'm helped to my feet I'm hold my shoulder I landed on it pretty hard. Luckily it wasn't my shooting arm and I look around finding her face. She looks worried and holding her friend Aubrey's hand and shake my head telling her I'm alright. I may not be a football player and get hit hard but sometimes these men can get aggressive. Being tied up now it's up to me to win or we will be going into overtime.

I line up at the free throw line, my percentage at the line is pretty high so I'm not worried about making the shot but I also know that anything could happen so I don't get to cocky. The ref passes me the ball I bounce it 3 times and take a deep breath. I shoot the ball and it sinks in nothing but net. The crowd isn't as loud since we are the visiting teams but there are some Knicks fans there that make their happiness for our win known. Even though it's the beginning of the season we get really excited about our wins. Once the guys stop crowding me I free myself and find her.

She hugs me quickly we decided to keep our relationship private until my divorce is final. Which is in a month and it can't come soon enough. I want people to know that she's off limits. Very caveman like of me I know but I don't want to lose her after I just got her back not letting anyone come between us.

"I'm so glad you came. Hi I'm Easton." I reach my hand out to Aubrey and she takes it, "Yes, I've heard a lot about you. Great game." I nod and tell them, "Thank you, I have to do the locker room stuff. There's a room for you to wait so you don't get swarmed by fans." I say and she raises an eye brow. "Oh come on I may have been focused on the game but I heard the crowd when they showed you on the big screen there's a lot of Elizabeth Olsen and Aubrey Plaza fans at this game." I tease and she shoves my shoulder that I landed on. I can't help but wince. "Oh no I'm sorry you really got hurt, didn't you?" She says and I shake my head, "I'll have the team doctor look at it. Let's head towards the locker room now."

I shower and my shoulder is really hurting. I get it checked out and they think I just going to be sore from the fall they wrap it up with ice so I'm stuck with just being in a white t-shirt. I find Lizzie but Aubrey isn't with her.
"Where's Aubrey?" I ask and she smiles with worry at my ice wrapped shoulder.  "Oh she went home, is it okay?" She ask pointed and I nod, "Oh yeah just sore the ice is just a to help with the pain." I walk us out to the parking lot luckily all the fans and paps left. I run over to her driver door opening it for her and she reaches up kissing my cheek quickly. I hop in and she drives us to her house. She seems off like she wants to tell me something but I'm not sure what.

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