Chapter 7

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Easton's POV

I'm being shoved through MK's door well it's more a light push since she's so small. But as soon as we are through the door she slams it and smacks my arm.

"What the actual fuck?!" She yells at me and I don't say anything but shrug. "No Easton James you're going to give me more than just shrugging."

"What do you want from me! I don't know what I'm doing! Up until the championship game, I thought your sister was out of my life and my heart. But no she's is still there! Mary Kate she's still there!" I yell out at her and I drop down on her bed. Putting my head in my hands I feel her sit next to me.

She puts her arm around my shoulder. "I'm sorry Easton." I get up and start pacing.

"MK what am I going to do? I can't stop thinking about her and Margot she was the best thing to happen to me. She's the closest thing I've been close to what I what I felt for Lizzie."

"Easton it's okay just calm down." MK says but I can't calm down. "No, I have to get out of here Margot sent me to the store I have to go to the store." I turn on my heel and walk out of the room.

Ashley is sitting on the couch with Elizabeth and she sees me walking into the living room. She stands up storming towards me.

"What the hell is wrong with you Easton? Taking advantage of my sister when she's vulnerable like this and you are married! You going to be that guy!?" She yells at me and MK comes out trying to stop her along with Elizabeth.

I hold my hand up to them, "Nothing happened but I will tell you this, I didn't come over here to take advantage of her! I would never do that and you know that. I just know what it did to the first time she was cheated on and yes I was the cause so that's why I came! So you can just get off your damn high horse."

Elizabeth walks up to me and says, "Thank you Easton."

I smile down at her, "I need to go and I hope your alright. Nothing is wrong with you, just remember that."

I turn and walk out of the apartment. I head to the store and get what we need. Heading back home thinking about how close we just were and how badly I wanted to kiss her.

Elizabeth's POV

I'm back sitting on the couch listening to my sisters lecturing me about my life. How Easton is still married and I just caught my husband cheating. Of course it hurt to see him but at the same time it was a relief because I wasn't happy in our marriage.

"Lizzie, do you still love Easton?" I catch that last question from Ashley. I look to MK because she knows more about my extracurricular activities. "It doesn't matter does it? He's very much in love with his wife." I get up and walk away. I think about him touching my lip and him not backing away. That meant something right? MK told me for the years he was in college he didn't have a girlfriend and I saw plenty of articles with him random super models and the occasional actress. I remember back when it was his first championship game I'd go and congratulate him.


That was the most stressful game I've ever watched.
Easton fell to the floor on his back when he jumped up for the ball and the guy ran into him. He didn't get up for a few seconds. I was so scared seeing him lying there. I never thought he'd get hurt like that playing basketball. Just a couple elbows to the nose in high school. Panicking from my seat I could feel the tears starting but then he got up. His coach made him sit of the bench for the rest of the first half.

After that he was of course himself and bringing the team back for a win. I can tell he's in pain after the team and the fans storm the court. I felt my feet carrying myself down the court to see him. Once I get down there, he sees me and he flashes that boyish grin at me. He starts walking up to me but he's immediately stopped by a cheerleader jumping into his arms planting a kiss on his lips. The smile on my face falls and my heart drops in disappointment.

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