Chapter 10

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I'm woken up feeling a small slap to the face. I open my eyes and see MK glaring daggers at me. I go to move but I feel weight on me. I look down to see Lizzie asleep on my chest and my arm around her waist.

I look back at MK and she whispers, "What are you doing?" I shrug my shoulders, I remember us kissing, we cuddled up and then passed out. Luckily she's on the inside of the couch and I am able to wiggle my way out from under her.

Once I'm free MK grabs my hand pulling me towards her bedroom. She yanks me through the door and closes it behind her. "What's the matter with you? You're married with a child! I can't have you messing with my sister's head."

I scoff, "Believe me I know I'm married and I don't want to mess with her head. You think I want to be kissing her and feeling all these things for her. You of all people should know I never would hurt her!" I whisper yell.

I'm pacing pulling at my hair. She walks in front of me stopping me pulling my hands from my hair. "Hey hey, it's alright I know you wouldn't. I just know what she does to you. I'm just worried for you both. Wait...kissing?!"

I squeeze my eyes shut and just nod. "Easton...what are you going to do?!"

"I don't know! But I love her MK I always have, and I feel absolutely horrible for even feeling this and I love Margot but she's not Lizzie. I will always love Lizzie more than anyone." At this point the tears are running down my face. I can't tell you how many times I've cried over this girl.

I'm banging on MK's door. "MK! O-open says a me!" I slur out. I hear the locks opening and a very pissed Ashley opens the door.

"Ashhhley! My girl!" I yell out and she just stands there with her crossed as I'm leaning against the doorway. "Ugh...I don't feel so good." I say all of sudden feeling the room spin. I didn't notice MK running up.

"What did you do?" She asks grabbing my around the waist pulling me inside. We stumble a bit due to my height and weight difference. "Ash will you please help me get him to my room please?" She asks and I hear her sigh and she wraps her arm around me on the other side.

We get to MK's room and we are almost to the bed when I say, "I'm gonna be sick." I stumble to her bathroom and barely make it to the toilet.
Once I finished I rinse my mouth out with water and mouthwash. I look over and see MK watching me, "She's engaged Mary Kate..." all she does is nod and I walk past her and sit on her bed.

My eyes start to burn as the tears surface and I feel the bed shift. She wraps her arm around me and I try to stop but I let out a sob. I hate crying and I haven't cried like this since she broke up with me. She holds me while I cry until I fall asleep.

**End of Flashback**

"Fuck." I curse as I wipe away the tears. "I'm gonna tell Margot." I walk passed her but she grabs my arm stopping me in my tracks. "Are you sure you want to do that." She asks and I look at her shrugging, "I have to, I can't lie to her and I can't stop thinking about your sister." She lets go of my arm and I walk out of her room into the living room where Lizzie is still sleeping. I put my shoes on then I grab my keys, leaving to hurt my wife.


"You going to tell her?" I jump hearing my twin standing in the doorway. "What are you talking about." I lie because I know exactly what she's talking about.


I wake up with Easton's arm wrapped around my me after him coming over drunk off his ass after finding out about Lizzie's engagement to Boyd. I thought after these 7 years he would be over my sister, he hadn't really talked about her except for when he was having troubles after seeing her at his first championship game. He's had some girls with him for a few months but they would end but he never really told me why but I always had a feeling. He's was finally seeing someone for over a year but then she ended it about two months ago. After last night I didn't understand why but my sister will always have his heart and it will hurt his relationships.

After All This TimeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin