Chapter 19

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Lizzie's POV

He picks up his boxers, I watch him hurry to the bathroom and return with a clean wet wash towel. "Thanks," I say, reaching for it.

"Let me." he says crawling back on the bed and gently cleaned me up. I'm wiping tears from beneath my eyes and he notices. He tosses the towel aside and he hands me his tshirt. I put it on and he takes me into his arms.

"What's wrong? Did I hurt you? I shouldn't have been rough, but-"

"No, no. It's not that." I throw my arms around me and hold on tight, weeping on his shoulder. "You're just such a good man, Easton."

"That's why you're crying?"


He rubs my back. "I feel confused."

"Sorry." I laugh and sniffle. "I know I'm not making much sense. Yesterday I'm saying we should wait till after you divorced and tonight I'm telling you to take me to bed."

"It worked like a charm."

I let him go as I laugh. "I know, And it's not that I'm sorry for being selfish. I'm also worried that you might be disappointed."

"What?! There's no need to be sorry and I'm glad you want to be selfish. If I didn't want it to happen I would've stopped it. I'm definitely now disappointed, you are the best I've every had. I've wanted to be with you like that for 16 years." He says touching my face.

"Thank you." I dropped a kiss on his thick, masculine wrist. I loved his hands, his long elegant fingers, the veins that ran up his arms. "Mentally, I know you're right, but my insecurity sometimes creeps up on me. I'm working on it, but there's a lot of bad stuff that's accumulated over the last few years to work through." He pulls me down to lay on his chest.

He was silent for a moment. And then, "Can I ask you something?"


"Earlier when I was, um down on you, you said something."
I smiled. "I said a lot of things."

"This was something you said, uh, during."

"During? I wasn't even aware I could talk during."

He chuckled, his chest rumbling beneath me. "You said a few words here and there."

"I might have. But your words were better." I shivered recalling the hot, dirty things he'd said.

"Are you cold?" He said going to grab the blanket to pull over us. I'm not cold. I just like the memory of what you said." I looked up at him. "It was an excited shiver, not a cold shiver. It was a wiggle."

He laughed, looking boyish and adorable. "Okay."

"So what was it I said?"

"You said, 'Don't give up.' It was right before-"

"Oh." I felt heat in my cheeks. "I know when it was."

"What was that about?"

I hesitated, my eyes dropping to my hand tracing patterns on his chest. "You don't have to tell me," Easton went on.

"No, it's okay." I looked at him again. "It can take me a long time to reach orgasm. Robbie used to get impatient."

Easton's expression plainly conveyed his disgust. "You're fucking kidding me."


"I already knew he was a dick, but Jesus. That's a whole new level of assholery."

"Yeah" I bit my lip. "After a while, it made me really self-conscious about even trying for one. I used to fake them."

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