Chapter 31

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‼️⚠️Trigger ⚠️ ‼️


I've been having so much fun with Scarlett, after that first drunken night we've been meeting up in secret for the past month. She's coming over now for and I've felt myself getting feelings for her but it's only been a month so I've been playing it cool.

I hear a tentative knock on the door I head straight for it and open it.

"Hi beautiful." I say pulling her inside bending down to kiss her. But she seems off, so I don't deepen it.

"Hi, we need to talk." Oh great none of my conversations have ended good with that beginning statement.

"Okay? Come on in we can sit down."

She walks past me to my couch sitting down. I got and grab my beer and her glass of wine. I offer it and she shakes her head. Yeah she's not staying, what did I do this time.

"What's up, Scar?"

"I'm pregnant, Easton." I freeze at her words. My silence last longer than I mean.

"And you're the father, but you got that." She says waiting for me to process.

"H-how did this happen. We always are careful."

"You still don't remember anything from our first night?" I shake my head and she sighs.

"Well it came back to me in flashes but Easton we didn't use protection that night and I've been single for almost two years now after my divorce from Ryan."

After she says we didn't use protection I think back to the morning after and I don't remember seeing a used condom anywhere.

"Fuck, I'm sorry Scar. This is all my fault. I'm usually so good about that." I put my face in my hands.

"Hey, hey, it's not all your fault this is a two way street. We were very drunk and I was rushing you. You don't have to do anything. I'm not expecting anything from you."

I lift my face up and give her a confused look. "What? No I'm not going anywhere I am going to be as involved as you want me to be. This is our baby.

*Time skip*
2 months
Scar is 3 months pregnant

I'm pacing the hospital waiting room, we woke up to Scarlett in horrible pain and blood coming from her.

"Mr. James, I'm Dr. Montgomery. Miss. Johansson tells me you're the father. She would like me to inform you that she had a miscarriage."

My heart instantly sank and breaks for not only me but for her. I feel the tears falling down my cheeks. "Can I see her?" Dr. Montgomery nods and indicates for me to follow. We get to the room and Scarlett is curled up. I can hear her small sobs. The doctor leaves us and I crawl behind Scar she turns around grabbing my shirt sobbing into my chest.

*End of Flashback*


I snap my head back to Lizzie, she has a concern look on her face. "Sorry, I spaced out there."

"Yeah, what were you thinking about? You look like you did when.."

She cuts herself off and I know where she was going. My face looked like I was felt that day I lost my first child. After that day Scarlett told me that she didn't want to see me anymore. Probably didn't want a reminder of the son she lost.

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