Chapter 5

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Easton's POV

After dinner MK and I cleaned up, luckily I clean as I cook so it was only dishes to load. Spencer took Elizabeth to get her books for her to read.

I watched her walk away holding my little girl's hand. Distracting me for a moment then I water hit my face.

"What the fu-" I spit out stoping myself thinking my daughter is still in hearing distance.

"You're staring at my sister." MK say but no joking tone or smirk on her face.

"Oh I'm sorry...was I the one that invited my ex girlfriend that broke my heart 16 years ago to my house over to my house for dinner? Oh wait no that was you!" I spit out angrily. But she looks so beautiful and I see an almost sadness to her eyes.

Putting the final dish into the washer closing it and hitting the start button. I walk over to the fridge grabbing a beer twisting the top off and take a nice long swig.

"I you not want her here?" She asks quietly and I turn around sighing.

"No that's not it. It was obviously a shock seeing her tonight."  I lift up my bandaged hand smiling down at her and she giggles.

We both hear her start reading to Spencer. I grab Elizabeth's glass of wine as we both head out to the living room.

Spencer is listening intently to Elizabeth reading to her. She is just about finished with the book when I sit down in the floor drinking my beer. Once they are finished Spencer tells me, "Daddy's did you know that Lizzie wrote these books?"

"That is really cool. Do you want to play a board game?" I ask her and she jumps up running to the game cupboard pulling out Don't Wake Daddy. It's her favorite.

We have played several rounds of the game and I have yet to win. The girls all tease me and are laughing at me. I got to grab the spinner from Elizabeth but she smiles holding it away from me and I see the challenge in her eyes that's when I whisper to Spencer, "Tickle attack. Now!" I grab her with my good hand and Spencer starts tickling her and I'm almost laying on top of her when I hear her soft accent.

"Well looks like I missed a fun game night." I hear from behind me.

"Mommy!!!" Spencer jumps up and runs to Margot.

"Hi baby!" She bends down to catch her as she jumps into her arms. I move away from Elizabeth. As Margot stands up she looks to me and then glances at Elizabeth. Then down at my hand and gives me a questioning look. "Spence why do you go upstairs and get your pjs on. Daddy and I will be up in a bit to tuck you in."

"Okay can I say bye to Auntie and Lizzie first?" She asks and Margot nods. They say goodnight and goodbye but not without Spencer asking for Lizzie to come back. She says that she will have to see because she might be going back to LA soon. Once she's up stairs MK turns to Margot.

"Hey Margot, how are you?" MK asks. "I'm good, did you finally have enough and stab my husband?" She jokes and MK laughs.

"No he did that himself you know him the klutz with a knife." She jokes and they both laugh.

"Well since you are going to roast me and not introduce your sister to my wife, I guess I will. Margot this is Elizabeth." Waving between the two. Margot reaches out a hand and gives her a small smile but still saying, "Nice to meet you."

I've never really told Margot just how much Elizabeth meant to me and that I was crushed when she broke up with me. If I did I don't think she'd really like her being her. Plus all these weird feelings happening would probably have her in jealous rage.

"You too. Well thanks for having us over, MK I need to get home I have some work I need to do." Elizabeth says and MK nods. "Alright yes, text me sometime this week. Also let me know how your hand is doing." She hugs me and then kisses Margot on the cheek. "Thanks for letting us hang with your dumbass husband." I roll my eyes and Margot laughs, "Thanks for taking him off my hands."

"I'm right here." I say and the both laugh. Elizabeth approaches me. "Thanks for dinner and I'm really sorry about your hand." I look at it and shrug, "You're welcome and it's okay." She pulls me into a quick hug but even that quick makes my heart melt and my stomach do flips. She shakes Margot's hand again telling her it was nice meeting her and heads to the door. MK hugs me and apologizes quietly again, then follows after Elizabeth.

Margot doesn't say anything to me she just turns and heads upstairs to tuck Spencer in. Great I get the consequences of MK's actions. I follow her after locking up the house for the night.

Margot is doing her nightly routine and still hasn't say one word to me. I start getting undressed but this silence is killing me. so I bite the bullet, "I didn't know she was coming over."

"Okay." Is all she says as she comes out of the bathroom taking off her clothes from the day.

"I was so confused and shocked that I cut my hand." I defend not that I need to.

"Shouldn't be that stunned for just an ex girlfriend that is your best friends sister coming over Easton." She points out and now I know she's picking up on the fact that Elizabeth means-meant more to me. I don't have an answer for that.

"So why don't you cut the shit and tell me why you were so shocked that you hurt your hand." This time she says it softer walking up picking up my hand.

"She was my first love. She ended things before we went of to college. I was going to turn down my scholarship to UNC and follow her to New York. I wanted to marry her and grow old with her. Even at 16 when we first started going out I knew that. I was still in love with her even after she got engaged to Boyd..." I trail off embarrassed by how pathetic I was. "Yeah...your husband was pretty pathetic."

Sitting down on the bed, not wanting to meet her eyes. I hear her feet pad across the carpet to me. Lifting my face up with her hands.

"You are not pathetic honey, if anything I find you even more sweet than before. You have a huge heart, yes now know how much she meant to you makes me feel differently about having her in our house. But E I know you are mine and I know you love me."

I run my hands up and down her hips and sides, "Yes, of course I love you." She leans down and kisses me sweetly but then it turns almost possessively.

She pushes us back on the back, straddling me. I roll us over but I forget about my hand the pressure of moving her makes me wince pulling my hand back. I lay beside her my leg draped over hers. She carefully grabs my hand in hers and kisses lightly on the spot where it's cut.

"How did you do that?" she questions and I look down at it. "I think was holding the knife thinking it still had the sheath on it so I grabbed going to that it off and cut my hand instead." I explain as she's running her fingers up and down my chest and stomach.

"How come I've never gotten you that distracted?" she asks and I throw my head back laughing.

"Baby, do you remember when I disappeared to my bedroom when you first came over and I cooked for you?" I ask and she nods so I continue, "and I can back in a long sleeve, and I wore them every time we went out? Even though it was summer? Well I had actual burned myself and I had a huge burn mark. So I was very very nervous."

Her eyes widen and she started laughing. "How after all these years did I not know this? Oh my goodness sweetheart you really are just a very nervous high school kid."

I cut off her laughter but kissing her again crawling on top of her. She sighs and moans as I kiss down her neck. After that the only laughter is when we can't get my boxers off.

Elizabeth's POV

I can't stop thinking about the way Margot reacted when she saw me tonight. She was very polite but I could see the jealousy in her eyes. I could feel the same jealousy and tried to hide it but I'm sure she saw it.

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