Chapter 12: The Path of A Peacekeeping Soldier

Start from the beginning

"Ah, yes. Now that is the biggest understatement I've heard in my life." Cody agreed.

"Indeed." Obi-Wan's com went off. He tapped his com and naturally bent towards it.

"This is General Kenobi."

"Yea sir, we're coming up on Coruscant. We'll be landing within the hour." Obi-Wan glanced at the time on the other end of his com.

"So within two minutes? Thanks for the heads up." The trooper on the other side could practically hear the eye roll through his tone. Obi-Wan ended the connection with a sigh, walking with Cody by his side to the hangar. Inside he found the two girls anxiously waiting for him. He noticed Lyra's foot taping and wild scratching of her wrist underneath her glove.

"Are you ready, ladies?" Nova beamed at him as she bounced forward and back on her heels to her toes. Lyra spared him a disinterested look before going back to scratching her wrist and examining her nails.

"I'll take that as a yes." Nova ran up to Cody and gave him a hug. Cody didn't even have a second to process the gift that just kept on giving from Nova before she darted back into the gunship. Obi-Wan smiled at the confused man.

"Make sure Waxer doesn't burn the ship down until we get back."

"Will do, sir. See ya later, kiddo!" Cody shouted as he waved at Nova.

"I hope so." Nova muttered to herself through a forced smile as she waved back. She missed having him to cling to in the gunship, so she wrapped herself around Lyra. It turned out to be a mistake as she was barely holding on due to her shorter height as well. They both stumbled and almost fell to their deaths on top side of beautiful Coruscant.

"Wow." Nova gaped at the sheer beauty of the planet she'd never seen before. It was so sunny, the rays reflected perfectly across the tall, uniquely shaped buildings littering the ground. She sucked in a deep breath and shut her eyes tight, letting her mind run wild and her senses be free. It smelt like smoke. The ships rushing back and forth created a certain buzzing sound that Nova found interesting.

"Why can't all planets be like this?" The air was cool but not freezing like Pantora. There were so many places to go, unlike on the Negotiator. It wasn't even humid compared to Ryloth, everything just seemed so perfect. The sense of zen Nova felt while clinging onto Obi-Wan and Lyra soon vanished when her eyes fluttered open to see a little green person standing by a landing platform. Nova knew who he was waiting for.


"Master Yoda, the leader of the Jedi Council. And that next to him is Masters Plo Koon and Luminara Unduli." Nova noticed the woman first and most prominently. She was absolutely gorgeous. Her fair green skin was painted with black diamond tattoos over her chin. Nova wouldn't lie, she found the other two kind of scary.

"Do they bite?" Lyra and Obi-Wan couldn't hide their laughter at her adorable, yet slightly alarming question.

"Not that I've ever seen." Obi-Wan said with a kind smile, relishing in her childlike innocence. He made a pledge to try and keep that, but at the same time he felt the loss of it over time would be inevitable with their circumstances.

"But also no biting people, Nova. You just let me handle it if anyone gives you trouble." Lyra gave her nails one last look over before Cooley gazing out the open doors to see their company. She fought the urge to roll her eyes at the green lady's squinted expression.

"Yes, I'd actually advise you both to let me do most of the talking, please." Obi-Wan had faith Nova would obey his wishes, but he wasn't too sure about Lyra.

"Of course, General." The slight upturn the corners of her lips did have Obi-Wan an uneasy feeling. The gunship touched down, the pilot getting back in the air as soon as Lyra's foot hit the platform.

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