68: 𝐵𝑒𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑎𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑏𝑢𝑠ℎ

Magsimula sa umpisa

"Kokoa -" Aizawa started but Kira put up her hand to stop.

"I think... I think it's time." Kira said slowly. Biting her lower lip nervously.

This single statement sparked so much curiosity from the class Kira was almost overwhelmed by it.

"Kira are you... Are you sure?" Aizawa asked, looking at them. "Are you sure you're ready for that?"

"Mr Aizawa I'll never be ready. But they deserve to know. And if I've learned anything it's that keeping this secret only messes up relationships." Kira said, glancing over at Bakugou. Who stared at her.

"Wait like the mind-reading thing? Hey was that a dig at me? I said I was sorry!"
Bakugou thought with a glare. "I really am though. Like actually I'm sorry."

Kira rolled her eyes and looked away from him.

"What are they talking about? Tell us what?"

"Wait is this the secret Bakugou was talking about?! I didn't realize it was this important... Kinda thought it was that like... She was a lesbian or something."

"Just tell us you're his daughter. It's not that big of a deal man."


"It's probably just her quirk."


Kira sighed and rubbed her eyes and walked up to Aizawas desk. "Can I?" Kira asked.

Aizawa stepped back to the side of the classroom. "Say what you want."
"You can stop at anytime. I don't want you to feel like you need to do this."

She nodded at her teacher. Kira stepped up to the podium sort of thing that Aizawa taught from. Kira grabbed it by both sides and looked up.

Everyone was staring at her. Twenty people watching and waiting. Kira nervously took a breath. She stood in front of them, open and exposed.

Was she actually going to do this?

Her whole life has been dedicated to keeping her quirk secret. To not telling anyone ever. Now she was going to announce it to an entire room?

Was it too late to run?

"So uh." She said, nervous like she never had been before.

"You got this Kira." Bakugou thought, she looked at him. "It's just a quirk. I won't let anything happen to you, you're safe."

She looked away from him and back down.
"I've been lying to you." She stated blatantly.

Eyebrows were raised and a few people knew exactly what she was talking about.

"Some of you I've been lying to for years. And while I know a few of you saw right through it, I know most of you still believe it." Kira said, looking up. "Obviously I'm not quirkless."

"She's not quirkless?! B-but our teacher... She told me- what's her quirk then?"

"Oh dear, how did I not see this? No problem, I'll just pretend I knew all along. Like with the quirk test at the beginning of the year!"

"W-what? No but if she wasn't quirkless... DID ALL MIGHT LIE TO ME?!"

"It's okay Kira. Keep going, focus on me. If you can I mean. I don't know how your quirk even works."

"Why keep it a secret though? Why would anyone care?!"

"Oooooh so that's what Bakugou was talking about."

"No shit."

"So it is her... She told me..."

Kira shook her head. "I'm sorry. While I wasn't the one who told you all I was. I knew Iida would eventually and I just let you all believe it. I've been doing that for years." She looked over at Iida who was staring at her in shock.

"My quirk... Well it's fairly powerful. I mean not in a flashy way like most of yours. But it's still strong. It out me in a lot of danger. So my parents decided it would be better for me to pretend to be quirkless." Kira admitted.

"But now I understand that my quirk can be helpful now to more than just myself and villains. That I can be... Useful. In a good way. While some of you might not... Might not really like the idea of my quirk, I hope you can understand that it's the very thing that saved you all yesterday. Without it everything including myself would have died and a villain would have gone free."
Kira sighed and rubbed her head.
"But enough beating around the bush."

Kira grit her teeth and held the stand infront of her. "I'm... My quirk... Oh damn it!" She groaned, putting a hand to her forehead.

"I'm a mind-reader okay?!"

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