92: 𝑆𝑎𝑣𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑦𝑜𝑢

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"Fuck!!" Naomosa yelled, throwing the car into drive and driving it straight into a small Nomu. The creature screeched and rolled several yards away from the officers it was trying to attack.

The radio was going nuts and Kira's heart pounded in her chest.

"What's going on?!"

"The same shit that warped these guys in somehow transported the villains and the kid away!!"

"All unarmed officers pull back immediately!!"

"Where did they go?"

"All Might to going to the other address!!!"

"Someone get on crowd control!! There are civilians here!"

"Evacuate any and all civilians immediately!!"

Kira gripped her hair as Naomosa swung the car around and booked it down the streets. Holding his radio. "Detective Naomasa, I am pulling back with Athena." He informed whoever was listening.

Kira knew he was only pulling back because she was unlicensed and a student. She was still basically a civilian and they and to treat her like one. Her safety was a top priority.

Kira's hands clinched the door handles tightly as they rode down the streets. She had found Bakugou only to lose him again. Now she and no idea where he could be.

She just hoped her uncle could find him.


They landed on the ground and their small group crumbled apart. Falling over each other and rolling on the ground.

Kirishima was glad he hadn't turned back like he had been considering. Him, Iida and Midoriya had managed to do just what they planned. Get Bakugou away from Combat so All Might could fight that big boss villain.

They landed and the group crumbled apart, all the teenagers falling over each other.

Midoriya sighed. They finally got away! They were safe on the ground... Kacchan was safe on the ground. He laid his head down on Bakugou's chest after conveniently falling on top of him.

"GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME!!!" Bakugou screamed, throwing Midoriya off of him. "What the hell were you idiots doing out there?!" He asked, standing up.

"Saving you!" Kirishima said with a big smile and a fist pump. "And we totally did!!"

Bakugou scoffed. "How dumb are you guys?" He asked. He looked over the group again. Four eyes, Deku and Shitty hair. He looked over again.

Kira wasn't there.

Bakugou knew he probably should be glad she hadn't risked her ass like these idiots had. But maybe she was with Icyhot. Obviously he had been with them too, only that bastard could make that ice ramp.

"Kacchan you're okay!" Midoriya said with a smile. Bakugou was here and he was acting like himself. "Are you hurt?" He asked, grabbing his arm.

Bakugou jerked away. "I'm fine." He said, eyeing him suspiciously.

"We should get out of here. Hand Bakugou over to the authorities." Iida said, standing up.

"I'll call Kira!" Kirishima said. "They should be at that other location still."

"Kira's there?" Bakugou asked. Eyes wide. "That place is flooded with Nomu right now." He said, looked around.

"Nomu?" Izuku asked, eyes wide.

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