99: 𝐷𝑜𝑟𝑚𝑠

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The moment Kira had been dreading finally came. She was moving into the UA dorms.
The Bakugou's drove to Kira's apartment after packing up Katsuki's things and picked up her stuff as well.

Now she could say goodbye to her sleep, sanity and possibly even her will to live.

The idea of sleeping so close to some of her classmates made her very uneasy. Like she would have to tolerate Izuku Midoriya literally 24/7.

She hated that idea.

Not to mention the fact that she was used to living completely alone. What was it going to be like living with almost twenty other people??

The only reason she was agreeing to this was because of how terrified she was of Momma and the league. If it weren't for that she would have refused.  They would have had to drag her there, kicking and screaming.

But here she was.

"I know you spent the night at Kacchan's house." Izuku Midoriya thought with a glare the moment he saw her.

Kira wanted to laugh at that. Because of course he did, Midoriya was a fucking creep.

She leaned over, a box in her arms.
"Cry about it." She whispered.

"I did."

The thought slipped in and out so quickly it surprised Kira and she choked back a laugh.

"I mean- NUH UH...Whore!" He thought, turning his nose up and stomping away from her. His thoughts swirling with both sadness over All of that and excitement.

Because now he got to live with Kacchan!

Kira groaned. She didn't know if she was supposed to talk to him about what him and Kirishima saw last time they were all together. Kirishima she would talk too, but Deku? She wasn't sure.

As long as he kept his mouth shut she didn't really care all that much. She glanced over at him, as he kept on stealing glances at Kacchan. Kira sighed, she supposed keeping it from him wasn't quite fair.

"How do you think this is gonna go?" Bakugou whispered behind her. "You know... With your quirk?"
"She couldn't sleep well at my house, living with only three other people. What about now? Are you gonna be alright?"

"We'll just have to see." She mumbled. "But I'm not looking forward to it."


"Yooo Kirishima." Kira said, sticking her head in his room. They were just now each unpacking their own things.

Kirishima was smiling widely, he was definitely one of the students that were totally pumped about living with all of his friends. "Kira! Hi!" He smiled. "How do you like my den of manliness so far?"

He asked, looking around his room. There were a bunch of cardboard boxes opened and in several different stages of being unpacked. Also a lot of workout equipment.

"Looks super... Manly so far." Kira said, she shut the door so no one would hear them and sat on his bed. "So..."

Kirishima seemed to immediately pick up on where this was going. "Hey whatever is going on with you and Bakugou is none of my business." He put his hands up. "Don't worry about me, be together. You're a cool couple."

Kira blushed and looked away. "We're... We're not a couple." She told him. "It's just complicated... We both kinda agreed to stay friends. What happened in Kamino was... Just me losing control, because I missed him."

"You guys really like each other huh?" He asked with a smile.

"I... I guess you could say that." Kira mumbled. "I know you won't tell anyone, but also don't bring this up to him. He's very... He doesn't like other people knowing his business."

"Alright sure, hey what about Midoriya?" Kirishima asked, Kira rubbed the back of her neck.

"You think I should talk to him too?" Kira sighed. "I was thinking about it but... It'll just be... Harder."

"Cuz he likes him too?" Kirishima asked. He was sitting cross-legged on the floor. Looking up at Kira, trying to figure out if he was right.

"Now how did you know that?" Kira asked with a frown.

"You don't have to be a mindreader to know stuff Kira." He smiled. "At first I thought he hated Bakugou. But then I started to notice things. He stares at him A LOT, especially in the locker rooms. And you should have seen him when Bakugou was taken. He was scared, and desperate to get him back, I kinda felt bad for him."

"Yeah... I mean you're right." Kira shrugged. She didn't like talking about other people's feelings. But there wasn't much she could do to change his mind anyways, plus he figured it out fair and square.

"He also doesn't like me very much." Kira sighed. "But I guess he does deserve to know. No matter how crazy he is."


Kira was gonna make this quick and easy. She walked to Deku's dorm, looked to the left and then the right to make sure no one was in there before she shoved the door.

"Oh hi- Kira?!" Midoriya stammered, standing in front of his desk to try and hide the fact that he had about fifty All Might figurines that he was getting ready to put up.

"We're not dating." Kira said simply before slamming the door again.

"They're not- so she did assault him?! But-"

She opened it again.
"Yet." She added to her previous statement, she pointed at him. "Tell anyone and you're dead."

"I wasn't going to-"

Kira slammed the door before he could say anything else.

"STOP SLAMMING MY DOORS!" He yelled, obviously aggravated. But his thoughts after she started to walk away showed something different.

He thought happily, Kira groaned as she walked away from his dorm.

She didn't know if she did the right thing or not. But she did what she felt she should have, even if that meant Izuku still thought he had a chance with Bakugou.

Kira walked down the halls, able to hear almost all of her classmates as they set up their dorms.

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