who tf are u (groupchat)

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Groupchat: MY PEEPS!!!!!!!! DONT CHANGE IT MCLEAN!!!!!!!!

diamondhazel: I'm going to add Nico and Will back, okay?

frank: Thanks Hazel

diamondhazel has added medicsolace to the group chat.

diamondhazel has added ghost..king to the group chat.

mcshizzle: Hey emo and sunshine

sparky: Hey man, why did you guys leave?

medicsolace: You don't need to know

medicsolace: Anyways, how are you guys?

pipes:D: eh im ok, you?

medicsolace: Eh

ghost..king: woah, the little ball of sunshine saying that is new 🤨

medicsolace: *big

medicsolace: I'm taller than u lol

ghost..king: geez, im 5'6 😔 (A/N im 5'4- yes im a dwarf)  5'6 and a half inch to gloat at leo's face tho

mcshizzle: Not so fast emo boy, round that shit down

mcshizzle: At least I'm in a higher position in life right now

ghost..king: touche

medicsolace: Nico...

seaweedbrain: I'm 5'11, beat that

wise.girl: Seriously, guys?

frank: Guys, why argue About height?

sparky: Says the 6'3 dude

pipes:D: u too, jason? woah, guys are rlly competitive abt height

seaweedbrain: I just like bagging rights

wise.girl: *bragging

seaweedbrain: Bruh, now you just need a police suit then you're all set, grammar cop 👮‍♀️

diamondhazel: I'm the shortest person here 😶 You guys are fighting about who's tallest but I've already won the medal for shortest

diamondhazel: Anyways, how were your days?

medicsolace: As I said before, eh. Campers are STILL sliding down the hill... 😭 like please

sparky: Yeah, I saw your post. Must be tough, man

ghost..king: leo.. istg im gonna kill you.

mcshizzle: Me? Nahh, it wasnt me!!!!!!!!!!!!!

mcshizzle has gone offline.

ghost..king: that codardo testa di cazzo..

pipes:D: i heard the situation is going pretty bad there. paolo lost an arm?

medicsolace: Yep..

seaweedbrain: I can't imagine the amount of aNgRy pOrTuGeEsE SwEaRiNg you must've dealt with.. like Mr. Young must've been like 🦅🦅🦅

ghost..king: i confirm

frank: Wait, isn't Leo at the Waystation Though?

diamondhazel: It must've been before he went back to the Waystation. He must've made millions of drachmas off of it.

seaweedbrain: Yeah- like introducing: The Leo Sled buisness! You start in the sled and end up in the infirmary 😐

wise.girl: *business 

wise.girl: I saw Sherman Yang's instagram. They were using the sleds as shields... a collaboration with the Hephaestus cabin, I think. They must've melted the sleds and remade it. 

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