idk a title plesse js read (groupchat)

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their gc names:


 seaweedbrain- percy

wise.girl- annabeth

sparky- jason

pipes:D- piper

ghost..king- nico

frank- frank

hazel levesque- hazel

medicsolace- will


mcshizzle has added seaweedbrain, wise.girl, sparky, pipes:D, ghost..king, frank, hazel levesque and medicsolace to a group chat.

frank is online. pipes:D is online. hazel levesque is online.

frank: Huh?

mcshizzle has changed the group chat name to 'My PeEpS!!'

ghost..king is online. medicsolace is online.

pipes:D: ugh, dont be silly, repair boy 🙄

pipes:D has changed the group chat name to 'the demigods ✨✨'

mcshizzle: Hey- what was wrong with the group chat name? It was GREAT

ghost..king: why the sparkling emojis.

medicsolace: Nico...

ghost..king: .

seaweedbrain is online.

seaweedbrain: What's this gruop chat for?

pipes:D: idk tbh 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

mcshizzle: For all my peeps!!! Duh!!! 

ghost..king: one exclamation mark is enough, valdez

mcshizzle: No it isnt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 

frank: Why the 1

hazel levesque has left the chat.

ghost..king: if she leaves i leave

ghost..king has left the chat.

medicsolace: Nuh uh 😐

medicsolace has added ghost..king to the group chat.

ghost..king: .

wise.girl is online.

wise.girl: Hi. What's this all about?

wise.girl: Also, it's 'group', Seaweed Brain.

mcshizzle: Welcome, wise girl!!! 

seaweedbrain: Hey, thats my nickname for her Valdze!

wise.girl: *Valdez

wise.girl: *that's

seaweedbrain: Geez- Ms Grammarley 😐

wise.girl: *grammarly

medicsolace: Why did Hazel leave?

frank: She doesnt know How to use a Phone and accidently pressed it

medicsolace: Oh 😶

medicsolace added hazel levesque to the group chat.

hazel levesque is online.

hazel levesque: 👋

pipes:D: hey girl!! <3

hazel levesque: boseidjfgjknkdfkgpotrjhpgkrm 

ghost..king: hey sis :)

sparky is online.

sparky: Huh? What did I miss?

pipes:D: hey sparky ❤️

pipes:D: nothing rlly, we were all js bickering

sparky: Wait a moment. I'm going to see what I missed.

pipes:D: kk

mcshizzle: Um so how are my peeps?????? IM GREAT

ghost..king: is that what you say after adding us to this shithole of a place

mcshizzle: Dont be so emo McCreepyCrawlies

medicsolace: I'm good! Me and Nico are looking for colleges to go into 🤗

ghost..king: but we'll not be going for an year or two

hazel levesque: This fone is weird

frank: Yeah, Valdez. Your Design of a so called 'phone' is hard to use NGL

wise.girl: Agreed. Maybe I should've helped design it.

mcshizzle: Hey!! Yall just dont know good technology 

seaweedbrain: This aint no good technloogy... 

wise.girl: *technology

seaweedbrain: Ugh, u have dylsexia too. U just have autocorrect or somethign 

seaweedbrain: Also this phone's hard to type on so-

wise.girl: Shut up, Seaweed Brain.

wise.girl: Other than that, I agree. This phone sucks, Leo.

mcshizzle: Owwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, my FeeLInGs

wise.girl: How you guys type is hurting my feelings.

sparky: Wow. You guys have been saying some real chaotic shit.

mcshizzle: Anyways beauty queen your name for this group chat sucks

Leo Valdez changed the group chat name to 'MY PEEPS!!!!!!!! DONT CHANGE IT MCLEAN!!!!!!!!'

ghost..king: the gc name is longer than any of our lives will be

pipes:D: real

medicsolace: Neeks, don't say that

ghost..king: already did.

mcshizzle: I gtg actually- Jo and Emmie are calling me over to chop carrots 

frank: Bye Leo

hazel levesque: Awh, bye Leo!

seaweedbrain: Yooooo she figured out how to type

wise.girl: And you figured out how to spell.

mcshizzle has gone offline.

ghost..king: oh- i gtg too actually

medicsolace: No he doesn't.

ghost..king has gone offline.

medicsolace: Hey!

medicsolace has gone offline.

sparky: They probably went to go make out.

seaweedbrain: You were thinking the same thing as me bro

sparky: That's so cool bro

wise.girl: Percy and I are going to go. Bye guys!

pipes:D: ive had enough of this, lets go too blonde superman

sparky: Dang- not with that nickname again

frank: Bye guys!!!!!

hazel levesque: Bye 

seaweedbrain has gone offline.

wise.girl has gone offline.

sparky has gone offline.

pipes:D has gone offline.

frank has gone offline.

hazel levesque has gone offline. 



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