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I went back home , from distance i see a a car which seems familiar i walk closer and i clearly recognize that car it was crystal i sigh ,i went closer and she was waiting for me outside of the house , i reach for my phone and there is 6 missed call from her i really thought she doesn't mean what she said ,she said i'll call you this week and only one day pass and she is already here, things seems off i thought to myself.

I went to her direction , she saw me and greet me with a warm hug "hi darling why are'nt you home , i saw you with another girl is that the girl who melts that stone cold heart of yours" she said smiling "yeah so what, what are you doing here ? it's already late and i got some shit to get done" i replied with no emotion

she pouts and said " I know only one day had pass but i like to hangout with you,remember the amends?" Fuck the amends just go away and never come back all the things you said to me stuck and kept repeating inside my head i want to say that instead i sigh and said "okay , only hang out nothing more and i will have only one amends to pay and not in my house , let's go to somewhere else"
"where" she said. "i don't know you lead the way you have a car take me anywhere you want but i have to be back before 9pm i got things that needs to be done" i said to her still no emotion shown
"okay" she said , she gets in the car waves at me to come in , i go inside and in the backseat there were all kind of alcohols from vodka to tequila , champagne to wine.
"I'm not drinking any of that i need to stay sober tonight" i said before she said anything,
"Oh don't worry about that it is for my farewell party this  third weekend and i hope you should come as the last amend" she replied,
I didn't answer her and keep quiet , she starts the car and ran ,we go to some mountain where there is a cliff , The view is immense we can see the sun going down and the clouds vanishing we sat on the hood of her car and she brings out a can of beer "only one please pretty please" she begs me to drink with her.
I know that she is persistant since the day i met her and there's no point in denying her offer she will kept asking.

I take one and drinks slowly , She looks at me and points at the sky , "You see the sun going down right? " she starts to talk shit again which was always right i said "yeah the sun is going down , why are you trying to make it as such a big deal?" I Can't keep listening to her she makes my mind go crazy with her words, "just listen" she smacks my head and continues "Just like the sun we are once bright ,everybody adored us and we always are the light for everyone who fell to the dark we help them get up , help them to build theirself , but we are treat like the sunset when we are at our lowest no one comes for us we keep drowning ,slowly falling to the dark" She always riddles me with these words it's hard to understand she never explained it afterwards she just told me to figure it out

"Okayyy" i said in confusion sipping my beer
*coughs coughs*
"are you okay?" i said i saw her blood on her hands when she coughs , she hide it right away "Oh mister cold heart cared for me what an achievement" she said it playfully
"okay just cough to death" i said to her feeling annoyed , she begans her speech again " You know "Sebastian" i was always the light for everyone, i was the one who held their head up high when they are feeling down but after they got their confidence back I'm nothing to them it's like i'm invisible to them" I look at her, her eyes were all teary i know she wants to cry , "it's okay to cry" i said to her but she doesn't, she begins again "but now look at me, i'm nothing but a college girl who give herself to a high schooler "
"shut the fuck up!!" i said to her i was angry i hate it when girls are all emotion and dramatic i hop off the hood and starts walking back home, she doesn't call for me
i turned back , i see her face down to the hood covering her face with her two hands and cried , i was not in the mood to comfort others so i just walked away ,

I go back to the road which we take and reach my home at 8:00 pm i didn't bother to eat dinner i just walk up to my room and starts preparing for her poem which i'm about to write , i pick up my phone and type "I'm about to write your poem" i pressed send
*ding* my phone vibrates she text back saying "okay do your best, rooting for you my mister poetic man" followed by two heart emojis , i smiled a little and began to write

"If you're to be venus i'll be your mars
Should we ever meet?

If i'm abide to stars
You should be the moon
Orbiting me in circle
With endless loop

Dance to the music of life
in an infinite glee
I love you as you are and do you too?
This is the poise i wrote for you
In case u didn't get much rose from me
Cause every now and then
I chimes when you came

From a far, your beauty multiply twice
From near you look like you come down from heaven"

From a far, your beauty multiply twiceFrom near you look like you come down from heaven"

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After i wrote it for hour i was lost for words and decided to just finish it , I take out a piece of paper and put it in , i pick my grandmothers flower who passed away years ago R.I.P, for goodluck and stick it inside , i was ready to give her ,i hope she likes it , just as i fantasize my phone rings , i look at it and it was "Crystal" i groaned and decided to let it ring because i don't want to pick up , but she kept calling and i finally answered "what" i said "you just go home your amends is not yet over come down or i'll come up" she said it with a muddled voice from her voice i could tell she is drunk as hell.

I wore my shirt and sneak out the window , she was too drunk she could'nt drive her car so i search for a ladder before she passed out , i found a ladder and put in the direction of my window i help her climb up and let her sleep in my room, she goes in first and when i reach my room she was already asleep on my bed , I sigh and kiss her forehead she opens her eyes and drags me to the bed , "sleep with me please" she request, out of pity i lay on the bed with her and stayed there until she was fully asleep , after she was fully asleep i take one blanket and slept on the floor.

When the morning comes she was already gone and the ladder was already placed to where it was, i checked my phone and saw her text " Thank you for letting me sleep i owe you one" with flying kiss emojis.

I was excited today because it is the day where i can fullfill my promise to her , i imagine her happy face when she get it and how she would react. I smiled just imagining her

I stared at the ceiling and dozed off again.
when i woke up it was already 10 am , i wonder why my mom didn't wake me up but whatever i said , i dressed up and reach the school in a blink of an eye , sat at my classroom and waits for the last bell to ring

the last bell has rung and i saw her friends and i didn't see her , i go towards them and ask them where she was and they said "she doesn't come today because her father died we're going to her house do you wanna come "
"No no i will not " i replied , I hate death i really hate death , when my father died i couldnt sleep for weeks and cannot eat for weeks , so many People come they cried , yet i didn't even cry , i can't control my emotion unless it happens with her , she is the only one who controls my emotion.

I give her friends her poem and tell them to send my regards , i don't want to see her crying , i don't want to see her sad.

So i let them deliver it for me giving up all the imagination that i thought would happen
but yeah things happen for a reason............

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