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"You're the moon
I was only a land among human being
Not near the stars
Not even near the sun
I heard you're from the celestial City
I hope the land is what not you pity
Blaspheme are the maker of sins
Blaspheme is the land
What i am
Pious are the virtue
Pious is the moon
What you are
Cleanse by all means of Grace"

the day after i could'nt get out of my bed i can't stop imagining her and the boy who is with her i don't want her with no one else , i want her all to myself.

"SLOANN" my mother yells my name for the fifth time i locked my door and sneak out from the window before she bang into my door like some fbi , i went to my favourite place took my book and pen along , after i reach my comfort place , i saw her again she was sitting on the deck she seems depress
so i quietly sat on my seat minding my own bussiness didn't want to bother her since i know she got a boyfriend, i took my ciggarette and again forgetting my lighter
i heard her sigh and footsteps approaching behind me i turned back and she brought a light with her ," here you might need it" she said with a smile on her face but something was off with that smile i can see it in her eyes "thanks" i replied and she shrugs and rolled at her eyes

what's her problem she hand me a light and i said thanks what's the point of rolling her eyes and shrugs , what a bitch i said to myself. She keeps standing beside me and it was awkward i turned my head to her direction and she held her head up the sky closing her eyes and the sun ray hits her.

"Damn how can a mere human being be so beautiful " the words slip out of my mouth before i even know she stared at me and said "what?" smiling removing her bun and let her long black hair falls, "mind if i sit down with you"
"yeah sure it's not like it is reserved" i replied
and there , there she was ,the most dazzling human being sitting right next to me alone in my favourite place at an delightful evening
"I-" she said but i cut her off " what are you doing here" i asked , she looks at me shocked searching for words "i-i-i" she stutter and finally said "why are u such a jerk"

What what the hell! how am i a jerk , i just respect people relationship i'm not the type of guy to step in someone relationship
that's the past me , no that's still me i just didn't want to steal her because she's worth every dime of the whole world

"well how am i jerk you're the one who have a boyfriend" i said and she look at me in disbelief " i don't have a boyfriend who told you that " she replied "well i did saw you yesterday with your boy " i said it and she laughs hitting my arms and said " he is not my boyfriend he is my brother my younger brother" she replied with tears in her eyes because she found it so hillarous

Well damn. That's where i found myself again the feelings of being deceived was overwhelm by receiving the words she just said

i was so happy , i couldnt help myself and smile "sorry i thought it was your boyfriend" i said , she yawns and stretch "it's okay , so tell me you are jealous are'nt you " she asked playfully with a grin on her face and i just sat there in silence not knowing what to say , she kept asking , finally i replied "maybe ,maybe not" i said playing with my hand , i was too happy that i forget the bandage i put in my hands are unwrapping and starts to bleed yet i feel no pain with her , she is my muse , she is my biggest medicine , she is my poise.
She saw my hand and asked how it happened i said " sometimes in life when things get rough, you need to be tough ,you need to fight your anger not mentally but physically that's what happened " she laughs and said "so dramatic" and continue to ask me question about my book and my pen
i" i bleed constellation of unsaid feelings that turn every wound into words and pain into poetry" i replied ,she looks at me in surprise and smiled she murmurs between her sexy lips and stared directly me in my eyes , "So how about this, write poem about me and i'll rate it " she said playfully it was so unexpected i was not ready, should i tell her that i already wrote poem about her or should i just shut up. "i guess i could try but not right now i want to enjoy this moment" i said "what moment" she asked. I close my eyes and whisper to myself "This beautiful moment where you and me only matter for a short period of time in this world full of people , this moment, this moment the greatest moment of my life "
i open my eyes and she already left, i let out a big sigh and smoke with a light she gave it to me.............

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