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We hold hands and walked to the park where the cherry blossom shed it's leaf flowing down like the snow in the winter ,i look at her face ,held her cheeks and lean in but there's a sound *ring ring* and i woke up to my alarm , i groaned in anger i clenched my teeth and punch the alarm to pieces and fell right down the bed , i got up and took a  shower

The hot water makes my strained muscle loose as it flows onto my hand i didn't even notice the blood until the water reaches the wound  i deserve it for not controlling my anger from the past minutes it was a little cut i did'nt want to wrap it up with a bandage then i took a razor and remove all the unwanted hair on my face
"Good as new"  i dressup like the same as everyday, got to school late again but this time when i reach the  gate,there she is looking so scared , i approach her she didn't even notice and i thought she have forgotten about me she look at me and say "it's my first time " in a timid voice i burst out laughing because of my dirty mind  she looks at me in confusion , and smacks my head with her soft hand and we both laughed until the teacher let us in she go to her class and i watch her as she goes 

After our school she waits for her friend at the exit gate , i was excited quickly ran to the bathroom to see if i look good , i go out making my way up to her but i stop my heart drops and stared at them from afar, i saw her with a boy and i was fumed with anger ,my tears shed before i even knew my body trembles and hot blood flows in my veins , i couldnt control myself i slowly went back to the bathroom and punch the mirror imagining the boy face , blood drops covering my whole hand

How pitiful a man can be when he don't get what he want right? that's the most fucked up thing to punch a mirror ? hurting yourself?

i went home and go straight to my bed ,i put on some music to calm me down and aid my wounds ,i try to sleep but my brain wouldnt' let me forget the fact she is with another boy i'm hurt even though we are not a thing.

I missed all of my oppurtunity

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