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As soon as "Crystal" drove away i slowly went to the backdoor of our house but i was unlucky my mother was at the kitchen and spots me right away , she come running to me with a spoon and hit me right at my forehead , the pain was unexplainable.

Yes i enjoy pain but my mother loves me and she hits me with love,pain with love is the most hardest thing to bear even when it comes to heart break

she grab my ear and yelled right at my face ,
"you said you're gonna be back early in the morning why are you so late look at the clock" she yelled and slaps my face to the direction of the clock "tell the time" she yells
i was playful with her since i didn't see her for a long time and i miss her i said " time mom hit me" playfully which makes my mother more angry and hit me with the spoon again, "and why are you reek of alcohol you said you're not drinking anymore why are you always lying , where's  the shame you ungrateful son" she yells again "i did say i'm not drinking anymore because it was the time when i was not drinking" i teased her again " I don't know what to do with you, if you fail your  exam or any test i'm going to put you away to  , you damn well know our family condition but you,you dissappointment you don't know the value of anything go ,go take a shower" and hit me for the last time on my back , i ran to the bathroom before she hit me again because i know damn well if i said another word she is going to take her good ol' stick which she used to smack us with when we were younger

I turned on the hot shower , i was still dizzy because of all the liquor i consumed my beard and mustache started to grow again but i didn't want to shave them , i think it's cool

I dressed up ready to go to school late as usual but only have one thing on my mind it's like a clockwise ,she comes and goes in my head full circle.

I walked out the door and walk towards my school when i reach the school it was already lunch break ,i go through the gate climb up the stairs ,go straight to my classroom ,sat on my seat besides the window waiting for the last bell to rung,

"Oh the bell that chimes
i search for her and the words to rhyme
the most beautiful sound
for i have found,the mistress of my dream
in my darkest night she is the light , she is the beam she is my gleam
if loving her is a crime
i'm commited to her , I'll do the time"

*ding ding*
I thank God for that little sound that chimes ,i blow it a kiss and tried to find her , i search the high and low ,side to side and finally found her after a long time as usual she was with her friends

I began to make my way to the heavenly of heaven , the dazzling elegant human being she holds all the treasure , she is the one that pirates and king search for to have her is like having a fortune for eternity.

She was beautiful before the vacation and come back even more beautiful after the vacation , her red cheeks looks like a fresh peach, I plan all my future with her but she doesn't know maybe someday she will

I walked up to her "Hi do you still remember me?" she stared at me blankly and examining my face as if she already forgotten about me "you don't remember me?" i asked again "who are you?" she said i was dumbfounded by her question my heart drops and it feels like it shattered into small pieces but she couldnt help and pity my confusing face and laugh, "of course how can i forget you are you going to give me my poem yet" she said still laughing i let out a big sigh of relief for a moment my mind was going down the blackhole sucking me way in but her words yet again saved me
"yeah about that after all of those times i didn't even know how to call you nor the digits when people call each other on a phone and i was hoping if you can give it to me" i said i can't even bear to look at her face.

I was way too timid and all shy when i'm with her , when i'm with other girls my heart went cold , it's like its in the northpole but her , she makes my heart beats beats faster , make all my surroundings slow motion , All of her is aesthetic i love all about her.

she laughs again " you are not slow on words are'nt you my little poetic ", she said

My little poetic , did she really said my little poetic should i be happy,should i be thankful
I will tell the whole that i'm her one and only little poetic for her.

"okay " she said ,she took the pen and paper which was on my hand i didn't even notice it and write down her name and her phone number. "Call me or text me when you finish my poem I'll be much obliged to rate it and please add some romantic morantic type if you please " she said with a smile on her face

her smile makes her red cheeks even more red , her teeth white as the snow , the sound of her walk are soft as if she walked on the clouds

"okay i'll be honour to write such thing to a beautiful mistress like you " i replied , she looks at me,winks at me "okay i grant you permission you shall not let me down mister poetic man" she replied

I know it i can feel it she wants me too , she fucking wants me , oh sorry i Was too excited she ducking wants me too

"let your mister poetic man guide you home if only a mistress like you want to walk with a slumdog face like" i ask her. "oh you shall my permission for you is granted" she replied

we talk like that on our whole way to her house we laughs and our bond getting stronger which is a good sign for me

Before she went in she looks back and said  *Your mistress is very grateful for guideing me home my little poetic man " and blow me a kiss  i bow at her, catch the kiss she blows
she laughs and went in to her house

I was so happy that i was hopping my way back. Before her everything was black and white and anything i touch turned into dust, my head only let me thinks of sad remedy but AFTER her everything are bright in colours and anything i touch seems to bloom my head only can think of her and her sweet melodic voice she lets my melancholy lost and let me found my Merry

oh her name is Alyssa Grey

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