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"hey"i heard a sound echos in my ear i looked around but no one was around "hey" i heard it again i ignore it "hey" i started getting angry i yelled "What" and the sound stops , i was feeling nauseous that day i travelled to my relatives for an event at another town, i roam the place searching for the best view ,and thinking about her and only , i need to focus , i need to forget her she does not feel the same way i said to myself. After i got my peace and trying to forget her i go back to the event everyone was dancing and talking about how great it was. I take a chair beside me and carry it to the corner taking  the drink that was on the table along and poured myself a drink. Shots after shots

Music bursting out loud ,i got up feeling the adreline of the alochol i was drunk i dance like a monkey having fun,  some girl caught my eye ,she was signalling me to dance with her and i dance my way up to her "hey" she said with a flirty grin on her face "hey" i replied with an intention on my mind "what's your name" she asked "Sebastian" what's yours" i replied pulling her closer "Cassandra" she said , she grabs my hand letting me touch her as we dance , i was too drunk to reject her or i was too drunk and that was my intention , "The next song is" edsherren perfeft" the dj shouted at the mic , i look at her and said "do you wanna get out of here?"i said with a grin on my face , my hands still on her body "oh glad you asked babe" she replied we go to someplace dark and start kissing passionately ,feeling our warm breath with whiskey kisses , every body part was warm and hot bloods steams throughout our body we let our bodies collided from head to toe, after a while i gave her my last kiss and we go back , she clings on to me for the rest of the event which was so annoying that i had to make an excuse to get her off me, after the event i took one drink for a good ride home it was 12 past midnight ,took my keys and start running  i reach my home town in a blink of an eye , i decided to stay outside and drink the rest of the bottle and go home , I go to my favourite place and gulps the bottle in one go i ran back home and knocks the door like a maniac , my mom opens the door with a knife in her hand thinking i was a thief she sigh in dissappointment and let me in she was so disappointed that she didn't even scold me ,i walk up the stairs but the same voice from the evening called me again "hey you are you okay" it said but this time it was different, the sound of the voice change ,i remember that voice clearly but i'm too drunk to remember whose voice is it ,so i ignored it and walk straight to my room and fell into my bed and start snoring the second i hit my pillow

"Life itself is so tough to hold onto, you need a guidance to fully reach your potential to never let your emotions win over you, good start up means you finish half of your work" my mom was giving her speech to my brother and sister , i shrug and took out lemonade from the fridge and make a juice out of it because i was too hangover , there's no school because it's summer break , i havent seen her face for a long time and i miss her so much , i miss her long black hair and her smooth lips and her brown eyes i couldnt help but to think of her

I didn't know summer break until my mom told me about it and if i knew i would have ask her name instead of just sitting there with her but sitting with her was worth it  "there will be plenty of time i will get to see her"comforting myself, it's been almost 2 weeks since i see her perfect smile.

After i drank my lemonade i eat my breakfast  and after i finish it i go straight to my friends house , we always go to someplace beautiful everyyear during summer break but this time i couldnt find my spirit to go with them and choose to stay behind and go home

i went back to my room staring at the wall drifting away in thoughts again , i pull out my cabinet  took my cig out and smoke. I dozed off and i hear tiny pebbles thrown at my window that woke me up ,i get up and open the window and my friends were there "come down bro you got nothing to do ,hangout with us you've been down lately and we're worried about you" said "Alex" he was the eldest among us and he look after us as  we are his little brother ,i dressed up and go with them we ride to the mountain view staying there up till sunset.

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