Part 3 Sneak Peek

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You're gonna have to stay with me here, but caterpillars are a lot like people. No, I'm not high. Just stay with me. Caterpillars go from fuzzy, slug-like creatures that roam around not usually being noticed to beautiful butterflies that others marvel at.

That's kind of like people, in a way. As kids, we roam around doing kid things, not doing anything extraordinary until we go through a change. For caterpillars, it's metamorphosis. For people, it is usually puberty. Some kids take longer to go through that change; others do it rather quickly. For some caterpillars, they leave their cocoon in two weeks; others take several months.

It's where we really separate ourselves. Will we become butterflies and blaze our own trail? Or will we become moths, attracted to someone else's light?

Anyway, sorry for the tangent. I've been watching a lot of Discovery Channel lately. I feel like I'm in my own cocoon, and I'm anxious to see what separates me from the moths. They just didn't warn me how lonely the cocoon is. I guess that's part of it though.

With Henry at camp, Jacob constantly doing basketball tournaments, Elliott always at practice, and Dillon grounded as if it were a prison sentence, I was all alone and quickly ran out of things to do.

I hadn't heard from Henry much since he left, only receiving updates from his cousin after she heard from Henry's sister, Sissy. The cousin had gotten back into touch with her and Sissy, who he has been allowed to write was willing to talk about him. As far as I knew, he's refusing to write his parents, so it seems to me he is still holding on strong. At that camp, they read the letters before they sent them out, so Henry has never actually written to me personally.

The only thing I have really gotten from him was a birthday present for me in July, something he left his sister before he left. It wasn't much, just a band t-shirt of his that I always liked, along with a birthday card. But, as I sat on the couch all alone at the house on the afternoon of my birthday, with the rest of my family out doing other things, Henry's small gesture brought me to tears.

After my lonely birthday veneration, I got into the habit of reading after completing all the video games we had at home, and my mom refused to buy me more. I've tried drawing again, but it just reminds me of Dillon, and I get pissed off.

The Diaper Company had also gotten more involved in my life. They loved my interview and my photoshoot and wanted to get me more involved. My mom was really excited about it, and it was hard to say no, even though she gave me the option this time. The money on the side was also too much to turn down.

That also meant I spent a lot more time at the Saunders' home. Both my mom and Mrs. Saunders conspired to get me around Zack as much as possible. He is a nice kid, but he seemed to have little interest in spending time with me. Instead, he was glued to his monitors, yelling and screaming at whatever game he was playing.

I had my summer job at the Rec Center, but I only worked a few hours a week. I was not quite old enough to work more than I did. This meant I was at home a lot of the day.

My mom took this as an opportunity to really ramp up my potty training. This summer, I probably spent more time in Goodnites and pull-up style diapers than the regular diapers I wore. I made quite a bit of progress, if I do say so myself. I had only a handful of messy diapers during the summer and would make it to the toilet a few times a week.

With summer coming to an end in a week, I was dreading going back to school. My mom could sense this and tried to cheer me up with new stuff, like a backpack, new clothes, and anything I wanted for the new school year. But I didn't want new stuff. I wanted things to go back the way they were.

After that video came out and subsequent events, many of the people at school started to blame me for the end-of-year party getting canceled. Apparently, it was a big deal, especially for the seniors. It also was kind of my fault. All the incidents at school had me involved in some way. The entire football team was mad at me too, as they blamed me for Henry getting sent away and missing all the summer practices, leaving him playing this season up in the air.

I also ended up getting roped into showing Zack around at his freshman orientation. That means I would be practically babysitting Zack for an entire day. Like I said, I have no problems with Zack; he is a nice kid. However, he often acts like he is 4 years old, and his social skills are about at that level. He whines and cries a bit too much for a 14-year-old, and his parents just let him. He still doesn't know how to change his own diapers; the task often goes to whoever is in charge at the time. He is apparently toilet-trained enough to not mess with his diapers for the most part; he just does it anyway. He will only go in the toilet if his mom gets on his case about it, but he will just use his diaper 9/10 times.

Anyway, I was dreading it. It was always awkward if we spent like an hour together; now I was tasked with being with him for an entire day. I don't think he had ever spent more than a few hours away from home or a day away from his mom, so it was going to probably be a miserable experience.

The day arrived, and I got ready and changed. The feeling of a thick diaper between my legs was a familiar feeling that I had grown accustomed to not having as much. It was like riding a bike for the first time in years. I changed into one of the thick diapers that my mom had started to get me for school. It would allow me to go an entire school day without a change, and since everybody knew about my diapers, I wasn't too worried about hiding them.

I grabbed my first day of school clothes that I hadn't worn since last year. It was a school t-shirt and a pair of tan cargo shorts my mom picked out for me.
I hated the shirt, and the cargo shorts were obviously not great for diapers. I squeezed myself into the clothes and struggled to get the shorts over my thick diaper. The shirt was nearly skin tight and too short in length. I looked at myself in the mirror and realized there was no way I was wearing these clothes. I was bordering on looking like an exhibitionist.

I took them off and grabbed Henry's shirt I got from Spring Break from my closet. It was still pretty big on me and was perfect for hiding a thick diaper. It even faintly smelled like him still. He was coming home today as school started next week. We had agreed to meet at the park on the night he got back, and I was beyond excited.

My mom drove me to Mrs. Saunders house and was quite happy I agreed to do this, as if I had a choice. She dropped me off, and Mrs. Saunders enthusiastically met me at the door before I could even knock. I could tell she was nervous.

I entered the house to see Danny, the 8-year-old; he was the youngest of the family. He stood there in nothing but a soggy Pampers diaper. He looked up at me with a smile.

"Danny!" Mrs. Saunders exclaimed. "I told you to put some clothes on before Eli got here! Go do it! Now!"

The boy ran away quickly towards his room, his soggy diaper flapping between his legs. Mrs. Saunders looked at me with a nervous smile. "Sorry about that," she said. "I'll go get Zack. He should be ready by now."

Zack walked into the room as she said that. "Mom!" he whined, standing in the hall in just a T-shirt and a soggy diaper. "I said I needed a change."

"Zack!" Mrs. Saunders groaned. "I've told you all summer. You've got to start changing yourself now. You fourteen. I can't keep doing it for you."

"I know," he whined. "I'm bad at it, and I don't want to leak on the first day."

Mrs. Saunders reluctantly left the main area, taking Zack by the arm and to his room. As much as my parents complain about my diapers and stuff, I just wish they could see how Zack acts around home. They would be much more easy on me if they could see how bad it could get.

Zack walked out a few minutes later in a graphic t-shirt and some shorts. His diaper bulge was clear, but maybe it was easier for me to notice. He seemed on edge and fidgety.

"Thanks for coming with me, Eli," he said.

"No problem, buddy," I replied. "Are you ready?"

"I'm a bit nervous," he replied.

"Don't be," I replied as I opened the door for us to leave. "It gets easier. Trust me."

Mrs. Saunders stopped us before we left. "Zack. Don't forget your bag," she said as she handed him a backpack. "There are two spare diapers in there, along with an extra pair of clothes. Just in case."

She gave Zack a big hug. "Be good for Eli today. And please, no pooping your diaper."

"Okay, mom," Zack said getting red in the face as she let him go.

We walked out the door and walked the short distance from their house to the school. We blended in with the crowd of freshmen that filled the school. After we filed in the front doors, I heard a familiar female voice say, "Eli! Is that you?" she called out.

Out of the crowd, I noticed Taylor making her way to me. She was wearing a blue t-shirt with Freshman Orientation Leader in white lettering on the front.

She gave me a hug as she got to us. I wasn't expecting it, but I awkwardly hugged her back.

"How was your summer?" she asked.

"Boring. How about you?" I replied.

"It was fun!" she replied. "What are you doing here?" You don't have to do this again, you know."

"Yeah," I laughed. "I'm just showing my buddy Zack around. He's a freshman."

Zack let out a nervous greeting and a small wave.

"Cool! Nice to see you, Zack. I'll see you guys around. I've gotta go back to my post." Taylor said as she was excited, just as quick as she arrived.

"Who's that?" Zack asked me as she walked away. "She's cute."

"That's just a friend of mine." I replied.

"Is she your girlfriend?" he asked.

"No," I replied with a chuckle at Zack's naivety. "She's just a friend. I'm not into girls."

"Oh. Sorry. I didn't know that." Zack replied.

"Don't worry. Now you do." I replied.

The bell rang for us and everybody began to file into the gym.

Diary of a Diaper Boy: Special EditionWhere stories live. Discover now