Eda Graciously said, "Thank you. You look quite dashing yourself."

Ahmet opened the taxi door for Eda, gesturing for her to step out first.
As she did, he couldn't help but notice how gracefully she moved, adding to her allure in his eyes.

Ahmet, offering his hand "Shall we?"

Internally, Eda hesitated for a moment before accepting his hand. She felt a pang of guilt for not being more enthusiastic about the date but pushed those thoughts aside, focusing on being polite and courteous.

Eda smiling, said, "Let's."

The doctor escorted Eda into the restaurant, his excitement palpable as he looked forward to spending the evening with her.

However, Eda's mind was elsewhere, her thoughts drifting to Serkan and the complexities of her feelings.Throughout the evening, the doctor's compliments and attentiveness continued, but Eda's internal struggle remained, casting a shadow over what was supposed to be a pleasant outing. The contrast between the doctor's excitement and Eda's reservations created an undercurrent of tension, adding layers of complexity to their interactions.


As Eda and Ahmet settled into their seats at the restaurant, she couldn't help but notice his well-groomed appearance.
Ahmet's navy blue suit pants and brown brogue shoes complemented his tall frame, giving him a sophisticated and handsome look.

Eda, smiling politely,

"You look very sharp tonight."

Ahmet grinning,

"Thank you, Eda. I wanted to make a good impression on our first date."

Internally, Eda acknowledged the senior doctor's effort, but her mind kept drifting back to Serkan,
-his playful teasing, the shared moments, and the unresolved feelings she had been grappling with.

Throughout the evening, as Ahmet engaged in lively conversation and shared stories about his life and interests, Eda found herself nodding and responding politely.

Yet, her thoughts kept straying to Serkan, the memory of their encounters vivid in her mind.

As Ahmet excused himself to use the restroom, Eda took a moment to collect her thoughts.
She glanced around the restaurant, the soft ambiance and gentle music creating a romantic atmosphere.

But even in this setting, her heart remained conflicted.

When Ahmet returned, Eda's attention shifted back to him, trying to be present in the moment and enjoy the evening.

However, despite his charming demeanor and genuine interest, Eda couldn't shake off the nagging feeling of unease and longing for something-or rather, someone-else.

Eda forced a polite smile as she sat across from the doctor at the restaurant, her mind preoccupied with a mix of resentment and conflicting emotions. She tried to focus on the conversation, maintaining a friendly demeanor despite her inner turmoil.

Ahmet, while enjoying his food, enthusiastically said,
"So, how are you finding the food here? I heard they have some specialties that are quite popular."

Internally, Eda sighed, wishing she could be anywhere else but on this date.

She felt resentful for being set up by her senior officer and pressured into something she wasn't ready for.

Eda, smiling politely "It's good. I'm glad you're enjoying it."

Ahmet, leaning in with interest,

"So, tell me more about yourself, Eda. What made you choose a career in nursing, especially in the army?"

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