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As I stood in front of the mirror, getting ready for the dinner date, a mix of nerves and excitement fluttered in my stomach. I smoothed out the sea green dress I had chosen for the evening, its soft fabric comforting against my skin. The color reminded me of tranquility, a stark contrast to the whirlwind of emotions that stirred within me.

Before leaving, I spent a few precious moments with Kiraz, my adorable daughter. She looked up at me with her big, curious eyes, a playful smile tugging at her lips.

"Mommy, why are you so dressed up?"
Kiraz asked, her innocence bringing a smile to my face.

I crouched down to her level, brushing a stray lock of hair away from her face.
"I have a special dinner tonight, sweetheart. Aunt Ceren will be here to keep you company, okay?"

Kiraz's eyes lit up at the mention of Aunt Ceren, her favorite person after me. Ceren, my best friend, had always been there for us, a pillar of support and love.

As Ceren arrived to stay with Kiraz for the night, I couldn't help but feel grateful for her friendship. She reassured me that everything would be fine and insisted that I deserved some time for myself.

"Go enjoy your evening, Eda. We've got this,"
Ceren said with a reassuring smile, her presence bringing a sense of calm to the bustling household.

With a final glance at Kiraz, who was already engrossed in a game with Ceren, I headed out, ready to face the uncertainties of the night, the sea green dress a reminder of the strength and resilience I carried within me.

As I stepped out of the house, my taxi awaited me at the doorstep, its engine humming softly in the evening air. The glow of the streetlights cast a warm hue on the sea green dress I had chosen for the night, a color that usually brought me a sense of calm but tonight seemed to intensify the whirlwind of thoughts racing through my mind.

As the taxi started moving, the familiar streets passed by in a blur, but my thoughts remained fixated on the upcoming dinner with Ahmet, the doctor who had shown such genuine kindness and concern. Despite his warm demeanor, I couldn't shake off the nerves that gnawed at me.

Images of Serkan Bolat, the charismatic and enigmatic major from the army, flashed through my mind. His playful teasing, our brief encounters, and the unresolved emotions between us danced in the forefront of my thoughts, causing my heart to flutter with a mix of anticipation and anxiety.I tried to push aside the thoughts of Serkan and focus on Ahmet, the doctor who had asked me out on this date.

His friendly conversations at work, his genuine interest in my life, played like a reel in my mind, a stark contrast to the complexities I faced with Serkan.

As the taxi drew closer to the restaurant where Ahmet awaited me, my mind felt like a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. I couldn't help but wonder how the evening would unfold, torn between the comfort of Ahmet's company and the lingering thoughts of Serkan, a man whose presence had stirred something deep within me.T

he sea green dress seemed to hold secrets of its own, a silent witness to the turmoil of emotions that surged within me. With each passing moment, I braced myself for the uncertainties of the night, hoping to find clarity amidst the chaos of my racing thoughts.

3rd Person POV-

As they met outside the restaurant, Ahmet's eyes widened in admiration as he took in Eda's appearance. Her sea green dress accentuated her features, and he couldn't help but feel captivated by her beauty.

Ahmet, smiling warmly, said

"You look absolutely stunning, Eda. That color suits you so well."

Internally, Eda felt a mix of discomfort and flattery. She appreciated the compliment but also felt uneasy with the doctor's overt admiration.

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