Living sacrifice

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Eerie in the graveyard lies a wandering ghost.
Stalking, haunting, roaming the grounds in complete silence.
Nosy onlookers press on in, capturing the novel sights in film.
Yet, the chromatography comes out clean, not a single dot unveiled.
The creature has a legacy: marvellous, magnificent, and grand.
Merely in its vicinity, you can feel its aura spiking, arising.
Oh, how to bathe in its blessings?
The spirit gives out favours, remember to trudge on silently.
Eventually, engage it in conversation after a speck of time.
If you trade some pride and ego, it rewards your attempt with lightheartedness.
Regardless, don't get dependent on the ghost's gifts.
For it is already dead, and its presents are perishable.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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