Yandere doll

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You will stay with me forever.
You will dance by my side.
And when I feel sad,
You'll make it all alright!

You will not run away.
You will not try to hide.
If you do any of that,
You'd have wished you'd never tried.

If only she didn't leave me,
To decay and slowly die.
I'd be clean without holes
And cotton by my side.

Being knifed is not fun.
But I delightfully grin.
It's my turn to to make a move,
I'll start by ripping off your skin!

Everyone who enters,
Comes prepared in their minds.
If they take that step,
They might not leave alive.

My dark long hair like tentacles.
My beautiful bloodshed eyes.
My teeth sharpened to the point they can kill.
It's time to say goodbye!

This is why I urge you,
It's better to be wise.
Treat me well and just maybe
I'll be your precious bride.

But for now I'll hold your hand,
And smile all the time.
I want you to know that I am happy!
I want you to be mine.

Let's play in a field of poppies,
I'll wear the most glamorous dress for you!
Now, don't you dare make a rebuttal.
Just admire the lovely view.

If I can't have you,
I won't let anyone else get the chance.
I'm just trying to protect you!
I'm sure you understand!

Look at all those people,
So keen to meet me,
And you have the privilege of being up close,
Yet you still refuse to join me for tea?

I'm getting tired of your games.
Can't you just be direct?
Tell it straight to my face!
It'll all work out just perfect!

What do you mean I'm broken?
How can I be a defect?
I should've known you're just like the others,
But I'll give you one last change to regret.

Do you see my collection of corpses,
Sitting on that shelf?
Make the right decision now I beg!
Or that will be yourself!

You can't do this to me!
You know that you're the only one I love!
Is that why you're doing this?
To take revenge for the her above?

I didnt mean to do it!
She was the one who hurt me first!
What I did was self defence!
Even so, it's what she deserved!

I really can't breathe.
Why are you always on her side?
Have you never once believed me?
You think all I do is lie?

It's driving me insane!
I can't take it anymore!
No more chances, no more kindness,
I'll kill the you I once adored.

My face tainted with the blood
Of the many that once lived.
They failed to play the part, and now
An eternity of hell I shall give.

Yet as I see the light
In your eyes slowly fade away,
Why do I feel so guilty?
It's like in an instant my world turned grey.

What have I done?
I promised to protect you.
But my love was too great that
Your life I took from you.

A lost and broken doll.
Tears stream down my face.
Regret and grief.
All due to an act of haste.

If only I didn't act out
On the one I had embraced.
Maybe it'll be fine?
No, this one I can't replace.

Unknowingly, I smile.
Face still wet with tears.
I've become the monster,
I hated and most feared.

You will stay with me forever.
But only in my mind.
I promise to remember
And not forgive myself for your demise.

You will not run away.
Because I know you forgive me!
I mean, who wouldn't forgive their most beloved?
See? no one disagrees!

I turn to the audience,
Wiping off my tears.
Don't you dare hurt him,
The yandere doll is here.

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