Episode 15 - Polar Tang

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Idol - YOASOBI (Heart Pirates vers.)

Hey! Artists Can Be Strong, Too! - Opening 3


"Captain! There should be an island up ahead." The large polar bear mink raised his furry head up from his map to look into the periscope. After a moment he nodded as he looked back down at his map. "It should be Calico Island." 

"Thank you, Bepo. Get ready to go ashore!" 

"Aye, Captain!" A chorus of voices rang out in the navigation room of the Polar Tang. The one who had commanded them was none other than the 'Surgeon of Death' Trafalgar Law. He leaned back against the metal wall of the submarine holding his odachi. He rested it lightly on his right shoulder. With his other hand he tipped his signature brimmed white and black hat forward casting a shadow over his eyes.

They were a few days out from Amazon Lily after having saved Straw Hat Luffy from his ordeal at Marineford. His intentions had been simple in doing so: he simply felt it would be a shame if someone he viewed as a rival died before leaving Paradise. However, since saving him he couldn't help, but be reminded of the strange purple-haired crewmate of his. 

It hadn't even been her comment that caught his attention, but rather her eyes. It wasn't the color of them that attracted him, but the intense focus those light gray eyes had as she stared at his hat. However, when they met his gaze they lost that focus. He could recall the disappointment and an indescribable feeling that had welled up. He still hadn't been able to figure out how to exactly describe how he had felt at that moment. 

The sound of waves against the hull of the submarine pulled him from his thoughts. He exhaled to clear his mind of the lingering memories as he readied himself for departure. 

Angry dark gray clouds covered the moon as the wind whirled around them. Each member of the Heart Pirates had different reactiosn to the snow that had graced them when they exited the Polar Tang. Bepo had been more than overjoyed as he was finally in an environment where he wasn't borderline overheating. Majority of the crew didn't seem to mind or were rather neutral to the weather. They were from islands in the North Blue that often had cold winters with temperatures like these so it wasn't anything special to them, but they still grumbled as they shivered in their matching thicker winter suits. 

The only one that absolutely despised the snow was Law. Although he didn't outrightly show his displeasure his crew were careful of their actions around him. The man, himself, was probably unaware of it, but his crew were wary of the dark aura that emanated from him. The only one who seemed to be immune to it was Bepo who still happily chatted with his captain. 

He too had grown up in the North Blue with fond memories of wintery nights sitting by the fire with cups of cocoa. He could still vividly recall his sister, Lami, grinning happily at him with cocoa smeared above her top lip. However, those happy memories were overshadowed and crushed by the overwhelming despair of Corazon's death. The snow falling only reminded him of Corazon's fate of being buried as he escaped the island and the Donquixote family. The biting cold and the sting in his face from the winds only further evoked flashbacks that have haunted him for years.

"Do you think they'll have fis-" Everyone turned to Bepo confused as the polar bear mink didn't finish his sentence. They were met with the sight of him with his face turned to the right and his ears twitching. "There's sounds of a fight, Captain." 

Hey! Artists Can Be Strong, Too! [One Piece - Trafalgar Law]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz