Episode 3 - Her Dream

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How to Eat Life - Eve

Hey! Artists Can Be Strong, Too! - Opening 1


It was a normal day on Shinkin Island for Yuria and Sasha. Yuria sat at the dining room table carefully outlining the newest fungus specimen that Sasha-san had asked her to document.

"Hey, old lady! I'm finished with this one, do you have any more you want me to sketch?"

Yuria turned to the older lady with a cheeky grin who only sighed as she had gotten used to Yuria's insulting nickname for her.

"No, you're done for the day, little brat." Yuria cheered as she pushed away the papers causing the older woman to wince at the crumpling sound. Yuria got up from the chair stretching before walking over to the couch where Ciel was taking a nap in her circular bed. Flopping down on the couch-turned-bed Yuria yawned loudly. Upon hearing the rustling, Ciel opened one of her green eyes to peer at the girl. Placing her tails over her nose, Ciel closed her eye and resumed napping. 

Mid yawn she nearly jumped out of her skin when there was a loud knock on the door. Younger and older met eyes in utter shock and confusion because they clearly were not expecting anyone on an uncharted, unexplored island. 

Yuria quietly got up and approached the door with Sasha behind her. Opening the door, Yuria froze at what met her on the other side. It was a miracle she didn't scream bloody murder. 


Yuria slowly put her hands up as she met face-to-face with the barrel of a revolver. 

"Out where we can see you!" Yuria glanced up at who was speaking and locked eyes with a scraggly-looking man. He had on a bicorne with an upside-down skeleton on the front on top of his ratty dark hair. He was the opposite of clean-shaven with a beard that looked like it had never been washed or groomed since he started growing it. 

Yuria and Sasha walked out of the house with their hands up.

"Raid the house!" Some of his crew members yelled with their weapons raised high prepared to ransack the house and take anything of value or use. 

"For Captain Nou!" 

 Yuria was conflicted with a crippling fear causing her to breath unsteadily. Ciel was still sleeping instead and she didn't know what they would do to her. It also didn't help her breathing when the apparent 'Captain Nou' was still holding his revolver to her head. 

However, when she made nervous eye contact with Sasha she was oddly comforted by the wink the older lady gave her.

"Now hold on you bastards. Don't mess up my home...my late husband spent a very long time building it!" 

The pirates and their captain turned to her with obvious rage and the captain redirected his revolver to Sasha's head instead. 

"Hah? What'd you say, bitch?" 

"How dare you speak to Captain Nou like that?! You filthy tramp!" 

Sasha clicked her tongue at their foul language. 

"Judging by your appearances, your mothers never taught you anything like taking care of yourselves." 

A roar erupted from the angered men but before they could retaliate, Yuria watched in awe as Sasha snapped her finger at the captain. In an odd, but swift hand motion from snapping her thumb and middle finger, she made a gun pose with her index and thumb. However, what caused Yuria's jaw to drop to the ground was the pink beam that shot out from the tip of Sasha's index finger sending the captain onto the floor out cold with the revolver spinning away.

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