Episode 2 - Miracles

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How to Eat Life - Eve

Hey! Artists Can Be Strong, Too! - Opening 1

Chapter warning: Depiction of accidental drug usage. You have been warned!


A familiar warm and wet sensation woke Yuria up. Groaning she instinctively raised her hand to push away whatever was covering her in slobber. She froze however when her hand met warm and fluffy fur. 

Yuria's eyes shot wide open and her eyes once again locked onto those green feline eyes. 

"Oh, hey..." Yuria blurted out before she could stop herself and she wanted to slap herself and her big mouth.

Way to go, Yuria...not like this beast could gobble you up in one bite or anything...

As she started to read her will in her head and apologize to her parents up in Heaven the beast in front of her started making a low grumbling sound. To her absolute shock, the fluffy animal was purring. 

Mouth hung open at the situation she was suddenly in, Yuria looked over at what had kept her warm throughout the night. The beast was indeed some sort of feline which matched the feline eyes it used to gaze at her with. It was covered in black spots over its speckled gray fur and reminded her of the images of snow leopards she would read about in her parents' books at home. It probably would have been a snow leopard too except for one crucial fact. 

Yuria's eyes wandered down the big cat and rested her eyes on its long tail which was split in two. It was a twin-tailed snow leopard- at least she assumed it was some sort of leopard. 

Although it didn't seem to have the intention of harming her at the moment, she wasn't that naive to fully let down her guard. She silently watched as it sat down on its haunches and started to lick its large, furry paw.  Yuria melted at that moment.

"Aw, you're such a cute kitty." She praised sitting up and resting her arms on her knees before resting her chin on her arms. 

"M'row~" The large cat let out a surprisingly squeaky meow which quickly sent Yuria into a fit of giggles. After her giggle fit, as she watched the feline groom itself a crazy idea came to her. 

Yuria hesitated and after a long mental battle and the constant opening and closing of her mouth asked, "Is it okay if I draw you, Kitty-san?"

The big cat tilted its head before giving her another squeaky meow and lying down. Its eyes fixed on her gleamed with intelligence as it remained still. She marveled at the miracle of meeting such an intelligent being completely forgetting that she was quite a miracle herself. After all, she had somehow survived a shipwreck caused by a whirlpool and lived despite her inability to swim. 

Feeling around her body for her satchel she panicked when she didn't feel it slung over her body. How was she going to draw Kitty-san if she didn't have her stuff? Better yet, didn't this mean her journey that barely started ended right here?! 

"I'm sorry, Kitty-san...I lost my stuff..." Yuria trailed off as she watched the large cat get up again and pick up something with its large maw. She shivered a little as she watched it pad over to her and before she had the thoughts that maybe it had changed its mind on eating her, it dropped something in her lap. It was her missing leather satchel, it was a little worse for wear, but it looked intact. 

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