Part 35

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"Listen you don't have to show me around... your father invited me and I tried to decline out of respect for you Alexis" Trey began speaking as we hoped inside my car 

"No its fine, I know my father can be pushy" I answered sitting in the passenger seat 

Trey and I never didn't end up working but there were times when he was a good friend. We used to have good conversations and I called him a good friend but once our relationship started and things got aggressive, I found that we're better as friends

"How have you been? You don't really answer my messages much anymore?" Trey suddenly asked catching me off guard as we pulled off 

Thinking over my answer so much has happened... I found out I was pregnant, my baby daddy and I fight a lot, I'm hiding said pregnancy from my father. I could write a whole list on the shit happening in my life right now

"You wouldn't believe me if I said it" I laughed sarcastically 

"Try me" he smirked as we drove closer into the city 

I don't mind telling Trey things, we were relatedly still friends. I just keep my distance from him because he often mistakes what friendship means and tries to hint getting back together once we get comfortable. So I rather keep boundaries with him but not speaking to Micheal has been hard. I usually tell him everything about how I'm feeling with my hormones and emotions 

"I'm pregnant" I slowly said. Trey hit the breaks very hard at the red light causing both of our bodies to jerk

"Sorry, I was taken back" he said trying to find his words. I guess the way I said that was very sudden. It just came out with no thought and I didn't regret it, people will know in a few months anyone

"Yeah....  surprise" I joked 

The light turned green and we began driving again, "I mean congrats but I'm so lost right now Lex. How did this happen?" 

"Well, when a man and women get freaky together without protection babies tend to be created" I answered causing both of us to laugh 

"Alexis, seriously" he laughed pulling into the beach port and parking the car 

"I meet this guy and we kind of hit it off. Next thing you know I'm pregnant not much else to say. He lives in Texas and currently we're not on speaking terms" I ended causing Trey to give me a suspicious look 

"So he just decided to stop talking to you over an argument? And you're carrying his child?" he questioned making me rehear what I said. When he says it like that he makes it seem like Micheal is a dead beat 

"Okay, there was more to the argument but right now its complected. My life has been turned upside down, so I apologize for not texting you back" 

There has been a lot of changes and keeping up with my old self hasn't been easy. Trey was understanding of everything and not once has he judged. I liked this version of him because he always gave the most comforting advice, It reminded me of how close used to be freshman year of college

"You should have told me, I would have been offering to help. I wouldn't leave the mother of my child on read especially if she's pregnant" he quietly whispered moving his hand to hold mine softly 

I valued how caring he was being right now. I honestly just needed somebody too vent to and feel heard. Every time I tried to tell Micheal how I felt about a situation he made me feel bad for being upset. I just wanted him to experience this with me and it feels like he doesn't want to

"Thank you, Trey" I said leaning over the control center of the car to give him a big hug. We ended up talking for a few more hours just about life and how I've been feeling. It felt so good to just talk to somebody about this without judgmental eyes

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