Part 8

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"No... its not right" I mumbled to myself as I sat inside my art studio 

It was currently 6pm and I had been here for hours trying to finish my last piece. I had started multiple canvas and hated all of them, since the week started after class I would come here to craft something but everything I made didn't speak to me

I let out a groan as it was getting late and I should call it a night. My phone began to ring and I stood up to grab it out of my back pocket. I smiled as I saw Micheals name appear. After Alexandrias party on Saturday he called me that night once he got back to his place and we've been talking a lot lately 

Answering it I placed my phone on speak as I started cleaning up, "hello" I said carrying my paint brushes to the sink

"Hey, I was calling to see if you are still at the studio?" he asked in a deep raspy voice 

Running the water over the brushes I walked back over to my station looking at the multiple canvas I wasted, "cleaning up right now" I answered 

"So that means you're free for dinner?" he proposed 

"I am but you don't know any spots here" I replied 

Micheal has been trying to get me out to dinner since I gave him my number, it was excuse to apologize for the way Zion treated me two weeks ago. I've been trying to brush it off but Micheal was persistent 

"Well, thats why I have you" he laughed causing me to smile 

He did say he wanted to explore New York and I had no plans for the night. Imani was out with her study group, Cassidy was meeting her family for dinner and Alexandria was out of town for a shoot

"Okay, I'll meet you at the station" I added before hanging up

 I finished cleaning up my area and grabbed my coat as I walked outside to lock the door. It was a little breezy tonight but still warm which was how I liked it. New York can get extremely cold and being from California, I often wished I was home during the winter 

The train station was a 10 minute walk and didn't take long for me to reach. Ive been cheesing nonstop since I started talking to Micheal, our conversations were so natural and in just a short span of hours we were already becoming close. I never expected I'd meet somebody like him

I looked at the next stop and stood up as this was where we were meeting, the train ride was barely 20 minutes before I got off. Walking out the station I found Micheal waiting at the exit, he had an oversized jacket on with a pair of straight leg jeans. I had no idea what to expect out of this date... I haven't told the girls about anything yet as I was still feeling him out and this was our first outing together 

"You look beautiful" he complimented 

I blushed at his comment as I was just in regular clothes today, nothing fancy. We began walking out the station and I lead Micheal down the street. I didn't tell him where we were going to eat as it was going to be a surprise. New York had so many cuisines it was hard to choose but I decided I'll just take him to my favorite spot

The street lights were on as it was dark outside, "How was class today?" Micheal asked 

I took a minute to think as I forgot about that, some times my days get so packed I begin to loose track of everything I did in the day. I had two morning classes which wasn't bad but one was a two hour lecture 

"Long and tiring. I ended at noon today and then went straight to the studio" I told him 

"So you're an artist?" he asked as we turned the corner of the block 

"Yes, you can say that" I smirked 

"So as an artist... what are your post-grad plans?" Micheal asked a second question this time causing me to think 

Thinking about life after college scared me... on one side I'd probably move back home and have to hear my fathers lecture about how disappointed he is that I studied Art. Then on the other side I didn't want to leave New York, I learned to love it here 

"I don't know yet" I giggled causing him to smile from my honesty 

I saw the spot I wanted to take him to and grabbed his hand as we ran to stand in line, it was a small joint that I tried my first week in New York. They were famous for their chicken tacos and the perfect place for a tourist

"Mexican food?"  he questioned reading the restaurant name 

"My favorite" I answered walking to the front to order 

I ordered  two of their famous chicken tacos along with some birrea as I knew everyone loved that one. I opened my purse to take out my wallet but Micheal was faster than me as I tapped his card on the machine paying for our meal. The cashier gave him a ticket with our number on and we walked to the side table outside to wait 

"You truly are a gentleman" I announced smirking at him 

Since the first day we meet, Micheal was gentle. Even when he was pulling me off Zion, his hold around my waist wasn't aggressive. Maybe its the southern hospitality they rave about in Texas. Micheal laughed at my comment as I stared at him taking in his features 

"My momma raised me right" he laughed causing me to giggle to myself  

"How has New York been so far?" I asked starting a conversation for us as we waited for the food

Micheal shifted in his seat, "boring because Kai is either at practice or with Cassidy. My lil sis has been super busy with the agency and Zion is in Chicago for work right now" 

That did sound boring... I know he mentioned Zion was from New York and was supposed to keep him company and allowed him to stay in his apartment. Part of me felt for his loneliness as I was in the same boat this week. Everyone was living their lives 

"That sucks... maybe I could be your tour guide. All my friends are busy and my schedule is free after noon" I suggested 

I didn't even recognize myself for a second after saying that, I just offered the idea without thinking much about it. He was here for another week and it didn't feel right to just sit in an apartment watching movies. Especially when the weather is nice...

Micheal was quiet for a second which caused me to rethink my offer. Maybe it was too soon to say or came off like I was thirsty for his company, "but if you just want to stay home and chill thats fine too" I added trying to save myself from embarrassment 

"No, I would love to hang with you" he answered softly 

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