Part 4

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"And thats another win for the Nets " the announcer shouted 

We all cheered with our glasses, as everyone in the booth screamed with us over the win. The game was amazing and I was able to get Imani out. She had been studying like crazy for the LSAT but I wanted her to be here with us like old times and take a break

Packing our bags we all took one more glass before heading downstairs to the car, we were heading to an after party with Cassidy and Kai. Alex was dressed in a tiny red skirt as she wore a nets jersey. I decided to just wear an all black mini dress with high heel boots 

Cassidy of course was showcasing her mans number as she had his jersey on with some shorts. Imani kept it simple like me and wore a pink dress with an oversized jean jacket. We all looked amazing and were ready to have fun tonight 

My phone had been buzzing all day, I had been trying to ignore it as there were a million messages from Trey. I hadn't told the girls that we have been talking a bit lately, it was mainly out of kindness but of course Trey can never take a hint. I was beginning to regret answering his text because now he blows up my phone 

Imani noticed me typing fast and leaned over my shoulder to read my screen , "who have you been texting all night?" she asked causing me to hide my phone behind my back but Alex was quick to snatch it from behind 

"Trey??? Lexi, please don't tell me you're getting back with him" Alexandria scrammed as she read our messages 

Imani widen her eyes in fear as I snatched my phone back from Alex, they were all so nosy

"Of course not" I mumbled 

Cassidy and Imani gave each other a look before they pulled me to the wall, I sensed it was now an interrogation as the girls waited for me to explain. There was nothing to say other than I was bored and Trey was only entertainment 

"I promise, its nothing serious" I stressed

They all looked at each other before stepping back, we began to walk again to meet Kai. I let out a deep breath, thankful they let that one go. Trey was not a priority in my life anymore... it was just hard to block him since we were good friends before

Kai greeted us as we all piled up inside his car, everyone was in their own world as there were small conversations happening around me. Two of his other teammates were in the car and Alex started talking their heads off. I was thankful as one of them has been trying to take me out for the past 3 weeks. His name was Justin and he was extremely persistent and annoying. He was from California like us but had a horrible attitude, he fell under the entitled men category which was something I stayed clear from. Justin wasn't ugly though, being well over 6 feet and brown skin he had a lot of ladies around his arms. His hair was always in a nicely cut fade but his personality was what made him sour... plus he throws his money around at peoples faces which I hate

Justin moved around and found his way to the back seat, I rolled my eyes as he rested his arm over my shoulder, "how have you been Lexi?" he smirked 

I gave him a short smile as I removed his arm from behind me, "Only my friends call be Lexi" I reminded him for the 20th time 

This dude couldn't take no for an answer and I told Kai the next time he hung around us I will curse somebody out. The dude was obnoxious and made me uncomfortable, Alex noticed Justin trying to make a move and smacked his knee causing him to glare at her 

"She already turned you down idiot" she said giving him a nasty face

He rolled his eyes but left me alone after that, Imani was on the opposite side of me and asked if I was okay. I told her Justin wasn't scary and that he was only flirting again. Kai though was going to hear a mouthful from me as I told him not to tame his friend 

We pulled up to the party and all hopped out the car. The papparzi were all flashing their cameras once they saw Kai and his teammates. We were rushed inside as we skipped the long line outside, the perks of your best friend dating an NBA player

Once inside the music was extremely loud and we made our way through the thick crowd. Since the nets won this was a pretty big party for the boys, Kai took us to the VIP sections so we could sit down comfortably. This was how our weekdays usually ended us at a bar or club sipping on cocktails

"Yo, I'll be right back my boys are here" Kai yelled to us before leaving our section 

Justin and his other teammate had found some other girls to ponder over so it was just the four of us on the couch ordering drinks. Alex was the first one to order us shots and I laughed as the bottle girl placed them on the table, we all took a shot expect Imani. She had been on the edge of her seat since we left the game, I assume since it was a Thursday night she had class tomorrow 

"You good?" I whispered to her as she nodded her head 

"Yea, I'm just tired and need to study tonight" she said in my ear, I understood and we both got up to head out 

I told Cassidy and Alex that she wasn't feeling good as a lie so they wouldnt try to pressure her to stay. When we first started college Imani was a grade A party girl, we would go out everyday all night but since she started studying for law school. Our party days were cut short and I understood her determination... somebody had to make our father proud 

Walking outside we ran into Kai with two tall men walking towards the entrance. When I looked up I was shocked to see the rude dread head I cursed out and Mr. Micheal Smith next to him

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