Part 10

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"So you're telling me for the past 4 days this man has been dicking you down and I never knew!!!" Alex screamed in my bedroom  

I let out a groan as she was being dramatic. It wasn't everyday... just more than once in one day. Alex had been gone for almost two weeks because of work and she sadly missed out on a lot. Cassidy and Imani began laughing as she began to fake cry into my pillow 

"Will you calm down" I laughed hitting her with another pillow 

"I hope you two use protection" Imani added as she ate some popcorn 

We were having our annual girls movie night at my place and were all laying in my bed watching a rom-com. It was something we used to do a lot when we lived in the same dorm hall. I'm happy we still keep the tradition because when our schedules get busy this is our only time to hang out and catch up 

"Yes, mom" I dragged as I took some popcorn too 

Imani was the first to know about Micheal and I little playdates. She accidentally caught him sneaking out of my room at 4am and I had to confess everything to her as she wasn't letting it go without an explanation

I still upheld my promise to him and we take mini adventures of the city its just now we have fun under the sheets. Being with him has been so much fun and he was way better than Trey... I feel like he actually takes care of my needs. We've in a way formed a friends with benefits and I like it like this

"So be honest... is he big? You know what they say about tall men" Alex winked causing us all to break out into a deep laughter 

Nights like these with my girls were the best, "I won't be answering anymore questions about that man! Somebody else go" I screamed causing everyone to boo at me

"Imani how are you and Ryan?" Cassidy smirked towards my sister 

She let out a giant groan as I knew this wasn't going to be pretty, "he's a hoe and I don't need that type of distraction in my life" she answered causing the girls to gasp

Imani didn't tell them yet but she caught Ryan fucking with another girl. It was ugly because he had been constantly taking her out on dates and inviting her to games all to find out he had another girl on the side

"wow... sorry to hear that. I hate men" Cassidy said causing us all to groan at her comment 

"Girl, no you don't. If Kai called right now you'd leave in a heartbeat" Alex said 

I couldn't help but laugh as that was the truth. It didn't seem like Cassidy liked the joke as her face went sour before she ate some popcorn and became quiet. It wasn't nothing against her or Kai but she just happened to have meet a good guy who actually likes her and never experienced any cheating. For the rest of us we've had our fair share of guy problems 

"Enough about men lets talk about our annual trip" I brought up trying to change the topic 

Everyones face lit up from hearing about the break and they all started spitting out ideas. Since last year we decided that during Labor Day weekend we would do a getaway and find some fun activity to do. Last year we went rock climbing in Colorado and it was the best idea! Exploring the states was something we all agreed to do together while we were young and I always looked forward to it 

"Okay, how do we feel about Miami?" Alex asked with a huge grin 

I turned my nose up as I wasn't feeling Miami. I enjoyed the city and sure if you want to have a great time go to Miami but for Labor Day weekend I don't know... 

"Heavy no" Cassidy answered scratching her idea off the list 

"Disney world?" I added thinking it would be a fun event. Everyone seemed interested as they nodded their heads to the idea 

"I think that would be super cute and we could all get matching Minnie hats. Plus, my dad owns property there" Cassidy added liking it 

"I like it but I feel we need something more up our ally" Imani said 

I agreed with her point... we're young and turnt. This trip is for us to explore new things and do something spontaneous. We all went silent as we sat and thought about some ideas. It was only a four day trip but we wanted to make the most out of it 

"I got it!!!" Alex shouted causing us all to look at her

"WINE TASTING" she screamed, 

Imani, Cassidy and I gave each other a smirk as we all began to cheered at her idea. It was perfect especially since the weather would be just right and we can make a trip to California. After Alex's idea we instantly got to planning out the trip since we only had a month to prepare 

Heartbreak AnniversaryHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin