Part 9

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"So you and Imani basically ran away to New York?" Micheal asked as he was still laughing at my story

We were sitting in his living room on the couch enjoying some Chinese take out, I was supposed to take him down to Brooklyn but we got caught in the rain halting our plans. Unfortunately, we were downtown and I had no time to travel back home so Micheal offered I come over and wait it out 

"My father is the definition of psycho, I wasn't going to allow him to control our lives any longer" I replied placing my box on the table as I rested my head on his shoulder 

Micheal and I have been hanging out everyday, I promised him I would give a real tour of New York and in return we've become insuperable. For the past week we've gone everywhere and at first I was weary about hanging with him but I was proven wrong. Spending time with him has been extremely fun and we have a lot in common

"I love that about your personality. From the day I saw you pulling Zions dreads, I knew I would like you" he confessed causing me to laugh 

My legs were placed over his as I had my back against the edge of the bed. Our position on the couch was something we had formed naturally. Micheal liked to massage my legs and feet which I found a bit weird at first until I realized how good it felt. I had been over the apartment at least 4 times now. It just became a routine for us to see each other daily, I enjoyed his presence and how easy it was to talk to him 

"Okay, enough about me. Its your time to tell an embarrassing story" I said placing my food on the table

Micheal began to tilt his head back on the couch as he was laughing hard at me. We've gotten to know each other pretty well these past few days. I usually am never this open with a stranger but something about Michael makes me feel comfortable. Its almost like I've known him my entire life 

"Don't laugh at me but when we first meet, I actually knew who you were" he confessed causing me to sit up and stare at him in shock. What did he mean he knew who I was?

"Wait a minute... are you some sort of instagram admirer" I asked in a joking manner 

I was pretty active on my social media and with a famous father I had a few followers and knew some people as well. I don't recall him ever following me on instagram or liking any pictures though

"Kai showed me a photo of you, Cassidy, and the girls a few months ago. I told him I was interested in getting to know you but he told me you were in a relationship" he answered causing me to think 

I was sort of dating Trey but we were also on the verge of breaking up. I didn't really know what to say though after Micheals confession. I've never meet a man who was confident enough to confess that

"You are truly a different breed" I laughed

"What do you mean" he smirked snacking his arm around my waist to pull me closer 

"No man I know has the balls to say that to a women" I told him leaning in to his face 

We were both smiling at each other as we admired the others facial structure. Micheal knew he was attractive I liked that he didn't hide his opinion from me. It's only been a week with him and I've already felt such a strong attraction. I had no idea how to describe it but I knew it felt natural... a place where I could be myself 

Micheal leaned in first before he cupped my chin and drew our lips together. The kiss was tender and I moved my hands to grip his shirt as we morphed into a passionate make out. He tasted like everything I imagine, sweet and warm. I crawled my body over to sit on his lap as he moved his hands down to hold my butt tightly 

This kiss was unlike any other I've had, compared to Trey I actually felt like a women in his arms. He knew how to do all the right things and where to touch all the right places. I never had a problem with intimacy as Trey and I were pretty intimate but with Micheal it felt different. There was more passion and love with his touch

"Alexis" he groaned in-between the kisses as I moved my lips down his neck 

"Shhh" I answered not trying to ruin the moment 

Micheal moved his hand to hold my face and pulled me away from his neck. I looked at him confused trying to figure out what was wrong as he softly rubbed my cheeks 

"Listen, before we do something we both might regret. I should tell you I'm not looking for a serious relationship right now" he stated 

Did he think I wanted one as well? I laughed to myself as that was never the impression I wanted to give off. Since my break up with Trey I swore off men for the entire semester... Micheal was just a fun time 

"Neither am I" I smirked leaning in again to continue leaving a mark on his neck 

He once again stopped me as he lifted my head this time causing me to get irritated... I was losing the excitement now

"I've had a lot of girls say that and still catch feelings" he added causing me to roll my eyes 

"I feel you're trying to be cocky right now" I joked as I I pushed his chest. Micheal didn't need to worry about me catching feelings, i'm taking a break from relationships anyways. Plus Micheal will be here for less than another week so we should have fun 

"Listen... I do magical things to women" he smirked leaning down to kiss my neck

"Well, I'm not them so its either we do this or I can go home and find somebody else" I answered lifting my body to get off him 

My words caused Micheal to grab my waist forcing me back down, I smirked as he finally got the memo and we could continue what he started, "no this is perfect" he said before kissing me again and lifting me off the couch as we headed to the bedroom

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