Part 33

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"So she knows?" Micheal asked me for what seems like the 5th time

It's been a few days since my mother found out I was pregnant. Since then she's been like a helicopter always asking me a bunch of questions about the baby and my health. The good thing is that my father hasn't caught word of it yet..

"Yes, we're going to visit her doctor tomorrow. She doesn't trust that I've been seeing professionals" I joked

"Now that my mom knows, I can plan time to come out and tell your family. We can do it together" I offered seeing as the longer we stall it'll get to the point where the baby is born and everyone is surprised

Micheal went quiet as he began to drag his words, "uhhhh... I don't oppose but let's wait a little longer"

I've been pushing for him to tell his family since thanksgiving. I know it was hypocritical at first as I didn't tell mine but now my mom knows and she's made me realize how important having a child is. Micheal's parents deserved to know what was happening in his life but I didn't understand why he was so hesitant about sharing

"When is the next time we can see each other?" I asked typing away at my laptop

"I don't know either... I got a lot going on back home with my MCAT coming up and work" my face began to frown at his words, it wasn't easy doing this long distance and although I know he's busy with his life, I need more from him especially if we're going to be parents

"Okay, that's cool" I said dryly. Micheal began to groan at the sound of my tone

"Alexis... don't start please" he said causing me to stare at him like he was crazy

"Don't start what? You said you're busy and I said it was cool, end of discussion" I replied not in the mood to start an argument

There was nothing more to say to him. If he can't find the time then I will figure it out myself. I wasn't going to wait on him to be available

"You making it sound like I'm not even trying. Holding a nigga hostage to a situation he can't control" he replied causing me to smirk at his words

"If the shoe fits... wear it" I whispered getting snappy now. I didn't need to hear any excuses from him. I understand and respect that he's busy and we live miles apart, I just simple believe he can make a better commitment to see me during break at least

"I said we'll figure it out. I don't take disrespect Alexis, speak with your chest" he said getting irritated

"No it's alright... come when you can Micheal. I'm not going to hold you hostage" I mocked

"Alexis, that's not what I meant but you obviously don't want to have a grown conversation right now. So whenever you get out of this bitch mode call me back" he sharply said causing me to stare at the phone in disbelief

"Me trying to get you to come check on your child correlates to acting like a bitch??? I literally didn't say shit to you till you brought up being held hostage like I'm some problem in your life" I began to shout getting frustrated with him

"I've never said you or this child is a problem. All I'm saying is it's unclear right now and it feels like you punishing me for not having a decision!" He shoot back

I was beginning to grow a headache from just hearing his voice. That wasn't even the point of what I said... I have no problem with him being busy. It's just the principle of the fact he's making petty side comments

"Okay, Micheal. I don't think this conversation is getting anywhere. I'll call you later" I said before hanging up

I refuse to fight over something that stupid. He can feel however he wants, I said what I said and if he takes my words as an attack then so be it. Taking a deep breath I laid down on my bed closing my eyes to get sleep and not stress over this

Next day

"Okay, everything looks good on my end here. I can actually tell you the gender right now, if you would like?" my mothers doctor asked as I stared at her shocked

She can tell the gender already? I felt like I've barely been pregnant long enough for the sex to even develop

"This early?" I questioned sitting up

The doctor began to laugh at my confusion, "we typically know as early as 14 weeks"

My mother stared at me with joy as she squeezed my hand waiting for my answer, "you can always wait or we could throw a gender reveal with your boyfriend so everyone is present" my mother suggested

Hearing you call Michael my boyfriend made my stomach turn, "I want to know" I responded quickly earning a frown from my mom

The doctor nodded her head and I sat back down as she scanned my stomach again, "okay... looks like from here you're having a girl" she said

My eyes began to water at the sound of her words. A baby girl, I repeated inside my head

"Oh, this is wonderful!!! I've always wanted a granddaughter" my mother cheered

"I'll leave you two alone and get this printed" my doctor said before leaving the room

I was still in shock that I was having a girl. So many thoughts ran across my mind as I considered the fact that this was really happening

"You have to tell Micheal right away!" My mom said causing my joy to fall

"Why did you call him my boyfriend? We are not dating and never will be" I sharply said giving her a stern look

"Well... would you rather I say mysterious baby daddy and have that white women look at us like we're ghetto?" She questioned causing me to roll my eyes. Of course she only cared about her image and how things make her look

I haven't spoken to Micheal since our conversation last night. He hasn't texted or called to apologize and if he thinks I'm going to do that... he must be dumb

Standing up from the chair I ignored my mother and walked out the office to meet my doctor at the front. She handed me all the paper work and we walked down to the car to head home

"Are you hungry?" My mother asked

I was a little hungry... all I ate was a fruit bowl this morning because Imani believes eating waffles is not a good source of nutrition for the baby

"Yeah, can we get Popeyes" I asked my eyes lighting up

My mother's face turned into disgust as she hated Popeyes and never understood why we loved it. When we were younger she refused to take us there but little did she know dad would let us get it all the time

"It's what your granddaughter is craving" I said  earning a laugh from her

"Oh don't use that excuse on me, my granddaughter will have my taste buds and enjoy the classier things" she joked pulling out of the parking lot

"I pray she doesn't... nobody can be as boujee as you" I said laughing with her

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