19. Into the Maze

Start from the beginning

"But-" I protested.

"No buts," he told me. "Go, I promise you I've got it handled. I'm not First Lieutenant for nothing."

"And I'm not Second Lieutenant for nothing." I sighed, "Fine, but we're talking about the invasion plan on our way through the maze." He held his hands up in surrender.

"Whatever you say, Krys. Whatever you say."

- Time skip brought to you by Krys' beauty sleep -

I think Morpheus hates me.

Despite the fact that he's on our side, I'm pretty sure he has a personal grudge against me.

In my dream, I was standing in camp half-blood. In the clearing around the pile of boulders known as Zeus' fist, campers rushed around, Hephaestus and Athena kids were testing traps and setting up strategies. Not far away, I could see Clarisse screaming at campers like a drill sergeant while they practiced their defensive maneuvers.

"Well," I heard a voice behind me. "We're gonna have to prepare for the possibility," Nyssa said, walking by me with Lee beside her.

Lee sighed. "I just don't know if I'd be able to fight against her if it came down to it," he said. "Let's just pray that Krys isn't part of the charge. Or even worse, leading it."

Nyssa chuckled sadly. "She always had a lot of potential, she was just bitter. And she had a right to be, but she didn't have a right to leave like that."

I wanted to walk after them, to explain, but I knew there was nothing I could do, they couldn't see me. Just then, the dream faded and changed.

I was standing on the middle of a river. You read that right, ON the river. Directly across from me stood a blazing inferno in the general shape of a man. I couldn't see past the brilliant light emitting from him, but he drew his sword and started towards me.

The dream blurred, and then I was sprinting down a hallway. I was taking seemingly random turns, following a barely perceptible path of light on the floor.

"Krys!" I heard a voice echo through the corridors around me. "Get your patootie up."

"Huh?" I mumbled, opening my eyes. Xavier was standing above me.

"I said get up. You don't wanna be late for the invasion."

I shot up from my cot on the floor. "Why didn't you get me up sooner?!" I asked, pulling on my shoes. "I can't be late! I'm the Second Lieutenant!" I grabbed my daggers, sheathing them on each thigh, and grabbing my staff. I pulled on my light golden armour as quickly as possible, strapping it down expertly.

He chuckled, raising his hands in surrender. "Relax, Krys. It's not like they'll leave without you. And I only let you sleep in because Luke told me to leave you be."

I didn't answer, but instead I quickly walked through the halls, breaking into a run when I saw the courtyard door. I heard Xavier come up behind me as I threw open the doors, seeing that the courtyard was full of hundreds of soldiers of all types.

"ATTENTION!" I yelled, banging the end of my staff on the black marble floor. Every face in the courtyard turned to face me, and within thirty seconds everyone was lined up in their assigned units. "Okay soldiers! Here's how this is gonna go! Listen carefully, because I won't repeat myself!"

Someone dropped a weapon, making a loud clang that rang through the courtyard. "Sorry!" Jamie said loudly, picking up his bident off the ground. "My bad."

I took a deep breath, pinching the bridge of my nose. "Major al-Zaman, I'm aware there's not a whole lot in that expanse between your ears, but if you could at least attempt to be quiet, it would be much appreciated.," I said. "Anyways, the plan. As some of you may have noticed, your First Lieutenant isn't here, we will leave as soon as he arrives."

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