Chapter 17

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Elena makes her way over to the library. She's crying with rage and her chest hurt like hell. What was going on with her? Why was she behaving like this? Usually she'd do anything just to fit in and now she was acting out?

She gets into the library.

She plonks herself down on a comfy seat and gets out her reading book

"Elena love it's lesson time go back to your lesson." Says one of the librarians to Elena.

For some reason students support was also located in the library. "I don't think Mrs Smith will ever want to set her eyes on me ever again, i sort off lashed out at her in under 10 minutes of having stepped inside the classroom."

"MRS FRANKS IT'S ELENA FOR YOU." "No offence Miss Lamborghini but why'd you yell for Mrs franks instead of walking over to her desk?" "Well like you young kiddos say i couldn't be bothered!"

Elena chuckles "Fair play Miss." 

Mrs Franks walks over to Elena, "I gathered you'd come here instead of sticking out the rest of your lesson. Mrs Smith isn't in a particularly good mood over your outburst Elena." "Well i didn't exactly have much choice did i Mrs Franks?" "Well if anything she's made it obvious that she doesn't want you within 100 metres off her classroom and Mrs Appleyard seems to agree that perhaps you really shouldn't consider textiles. I have to say though I'm both amazed and disappointed with you Elena."

"I'm amazed because you actually let out your troubles but I'm disappointed with the way you chose to release your troubles. And  to be frank with you i don't think that level of anger was necessary to aim in her direction."

"But she was a total bitch about all my accomplishments I'd made, i was merely trying to get her to be proud of how much i'd been able to achieve i wanted her to finally see me as the artist I'm."

"I don't care if she was a B word or not it was still uncalled for and yes maybe she could've been nicer to you but what you did was completely out of line even for your standards."

"You seem to have a lot of pent up aggression and self esteem troubles have you ever considered taking a course to help reduce the negative tensions you hold within your body?"

"I'm only angry because i feel seen and unheard within this school and nobody is willing to take me seriously. Perhaps if staff could use these funny things next to their heads otherwise known as Ears then we wouldn't have any issues at all."

"You have got to calm down Mrs Robinson your words are cruel and uncalled for, i guess for today you can sit in the library and do some quiet reading since Mrs Smith doesn't want to see your face again."

"Tell Mrs Smith that the feeling is mutual and that if i did actually hurt her, then she should call for an ambulance if i was capable of burning her with my words." "Any more talk like that and you'll be in lunchtime detention for a week young lady."

Mrs Franks gets up "You know i'm very disappointed with you Elena, Your supposed to be a young lady preparing for adulthood and then you do something this stupid."

"You know what then? I'm not even going to bother then!" says Elena. Miss Franks doubles back "Excuse me, do explain what you mean by this Elena."

"Well its quite Simple. Until the staff are capable of treating me with respect then i'm going to sit here every single day until I'm treated with respect. I'm in a library so i can just read whenever i like, it's a punishment and a reward at the same time."

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