Chapter 5

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The next day, Elena is walking into school the walk is exactly 1.44 miles away from her house.

We see the camera zooming in around her. She's barely 200 metres away from her house. Something weird is happening to her.

Her body is telling her to lie down, her heart is pounding really badly. Her palms are heating up and her throat feels like its closing up.

This had been happening a lot to her recently. She felt convinced she was definitely going to die.

Elena sits down on a bit of a shabby old park bench. She is practically trembling dreading walking the rest of the way to school and what was yet to happen.

An older woman approaches her "mind if I sit with you?" "Yeah sure that's fine I'm going to head soon anyways." "Are you on your way to work young lady?" Elena looks at her uniform and then looks at the stranger. "No miss, I'm in year 9." "Really your only 14?" The women sounds genuinely flabbergasted. "Yes miss I'm indeed" says Elena trying not to laugh. "is it true they've got you starting preparations for your GCSES from year 9 now?"

Elena suddenly becomes aware that the women is trying to make eye contact with her so she ducks her head down. "Unfortunately they do indeed miss." "You see I just don't understand why they do things like that, there's already such negativity in life and when you're young, you might not realise it but it brings other people joy just knowing that you lot are out there having a good time. It's already hard enough growing up, dealing with hormones and self discovery. It's as though the system is trying to punish you for just trying to figure out what you want to experience in life. Which in my view is no way to live. Let people make mistakes, there's rubbers on pencils we either remember to use them or we don't."

Elena looks at her phone, "shit I'm so sorry I've got to go, I'm running late! Mr Bailey is a nice teacher and will let her get away with being 10 minutes late but anymore than that and she'd be in detention. "Thank you for the pep talk though!" "Anytime!" shouts the lady.

Elena arrives with plenty of time to spare, she goes into the library, there is 15 minutes until her class starts so she takes her books out and double checks her schedule.

Double science day! Elena hated double lessons as it meant that she had to keep her brain in overdrive. She would end up putting her writing hand in agony from writing so many notes on all the things she would be likely to forget...Elena would end up writing absolutely everything! It would drive her teachers insane but if she didn't do this then she wouldn't Be able to retain any new information at all.

Elena hated her brain even though she shouldn't. How could her classmates remember everything yet she couldn't? It made her feel embarrassed. She knew it was due to her Dyspraxia but even so. Going into classes and getting put on the spot for answers, her teachers would tell her off for being "lazy" or "unwilling to revise"  she wished her teachers could try being the way that she was.  She knew her thought process wasn't wrong it was just the way her brain processed information.

Elena arrives  with five minutes to spare.

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