Chpt.16 - Waking Up In His Arms

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Jake POV

'Shit, why the fuck is it so light in here all the time?'

I try to get up, but there's a pair of skinny arms around me.


Ohhh, yeah! He's staying here!

Johnnies face is in the croock of my neck, one hand wrapped around my neck, and one around my stomach.

His touch makes me feel things in my stomach.

I gently remove his arms around me (which was really hard to do, since i didn't actually mind them being there) and then pulled the curtains over the blinds.

Johnnie looked so peaceful, and i really don't have the heart to wake him up. I walk to my door and turn around to look once again at Johnnie.

I take in his appearance. His eyes are closed, long blonde lashes on his cheeks. He has a "I'm not perfect" tattoo on his chest which contracts perfectly on Johnnies pale skin. His hair is sticking out from basically everywhere, which looks adorable.

Well, like it does on friends you know? Yeah!

Well, before i get to go back to lying next to him, i close the door silently, and go downstairs to the kitchen. I make myself some cereal and watch some youtube.

You see, i like my routines. Like, doing something in a specific routine. Waking up, essentials, eating with youtube, yada yada yada.

Usually when someone messes up my daily routine, i can't go on with my day normally.

I just can't.

But with Johnnie...he makes me forget.

I still stick to my routine, but if i don't do something correctly and it makes me anxious, Johnnie always knows the right things to say to me to make me calm down.

Which is weird, 'cause even my mom doesn't know how to do that.

But there's just something... different about Johnnie. Like, it can't really be explained you know?

Just then, there's rustling on the stairs and a tired Johnnie appears. His hair is sticking out to random places, he's wearing pajama pants, and he has no shirt on.

There's also the scars that i saw yesterday, but i try to ignore that.

He's still the same person, isn't he?

Rubbing his eyes, Johnnie says in a sleepy voice "Mornin'."

'Goddamn.' I think. 'Wait, Jake, stop. You're being weird.'

"Morning." I reply. I push the cereal pack closer to him and he looks up, smiles softly and starts to make himself breakfast also.

Fucking hell, i need to get myself in control.

But at the same time, if Johnnie's gonna keep looking at me like that, that soft smile of his, i will not be able to help it.

The day forms into a few days, until one morning we're eating breakfast and Johnnie looks up from his phone and asks me.

"Hey Jake?" I pause the youtube video.


Johnnie winces in annoyance.

"Well... i can see my blond routes and i need to dye my hair again. Do you wanna come to, maybe Target with me today?"

Johnnie looks like he's gonna hear rejection any second.

"Yeah, sure. Why not."

I smile and Johnnie smiles back with a smark in his eyes that makes my stomach twist with butterflies.

I guess we're going to Target.

543 words.

-Hello everyone! I'm so SO sorry for not posting. Life has been CRAZY. First of all, my birthday was on the 11th of april (happy birthday to me!), second of all school, and third of all i had my birthday party today so we had to get preperations for that.

-Right now, it's 01.42 am on a saturday night, and i'm tired asf, but i couldn't leave y'all hanging.

-While writing this chapter, i had a vibe. Dark room, cold wind blowing in from my window.
The songs for today are


The sharpest lives - My chemical Romance

Thnks fr th mmrs - Fall Out Boy

I don't care - Fall Out Boy

Helena - My chemical romance

Impossible year - Panic! At the disco

In the end - Black Veil brides

Heavydirtysoul - Twenty One Pilots

Vampire - Johnnie Guilbert

Hey Look Ma, I made it - Panic! At The Disco

American Idiot - Green day

Circles - Pierce The veil

Crazy = Genius - Panic! At The Disco

Not so perfect - Johnnie Guilbert

Ecstasy - Johnnie Guilbert, Jake Webber

Bulletproof Heart - My Chemical Romance

Bulletproof love - Pierce The Veil

-(These are just some of the songs i listened to tonight, it was quite random ik but just go with it, please)

-Thanks for waiting!

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