Chpt.4 - Breaking Off The Friendship

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Jake POV

It's been about a week, and i honestly feel like Johnnie has been ignoring me, or hiding from me.

I'm not sure why, but i'll catch him of guard somehow.

Ever since the soup incident, Jack has been looking at me weirdly, but i've been trying to ignore. William asked me about a couple of times, but seemed to shrug it off.

Overall they've seemed stay away from me a little bit more, not that i mind.

Whenever i've seen Johnnie in the hallways, in the end of classes (that we sometimes share), or even after school, he just quickly walks away, pretending i don't exist.

Right now, walking to the cafeteria, i see William waving his hand for me to join them, and Jack slightly rolling his eyes.

What's his problem?

Sitting down to my usual spot, William sits silently for a moment, listening to all the kids chatting, before asking:

"Sooo... why were you like 5 minutes late then usual? I know you hate when your routine in messed up?"

Before i even got to answer, Jack scoffed and spat out:

"Where do you think he was? Propably off with his emo motherfucker of a boyfriend."

I frown at him before replying calmly:

"No, my teacher wanted to talk to me about something. Also don't talk about Johnnie like that."

Jack looks away for a bit longer, before looking at mine with slightly angry eyes.

"You know what Jake? Fuck you. These whole two weeks, you've been not being like you usually are, and i'm tired of it."

He stands up before lifting his gaze onto William.

"Well? What are you waiting for? Come on."

William looks at him and then me not sure what to say.

"Wait, Jack. Shouldn't we talk about it like we-"

"Come on."

He speaks more sternly.

William looked like he wanted to protest, but he got up and left with Jack.

Oh well.

I take out my lunch (since i don't like the school food), and eat for about 15 minutes.

After that i get up to go to my guitar lesson, but i see.. oh my fucking god.


I see Jack hoovering over Johnnie, who's on the ground, with legs scrunched up, hands up like protecting himself while crying.

And i see.. a fucking bruise on his jaw?

Oh hell no.

I've seen Jack hit others a couple of times, but that's very rare, so it must be something bad.

I jog to them and look at Johnnie with worry, before looking at Jack.

"What happened? Why's he on the floor?"

Jack looks at me with pure anger in his eyes.

Damn, okay that's scary.

I get why people are scared of him.

"He," Jack hits Johnnie with his foot, earning a whimper of hurt out of him. I had to physically stop myself, not to help him.

After, i remind myself.

"He, was walking, not looking where he was going, and bumped into me! How dare he! People can't do that to me! Especially this fuckass." He hits Johnnie again.

I had to calm myself down before asking Jack.

"Okay he bumped into you, but did he apologize? Did you have to hit him that bad?"

Now Jack was scowling at me.

"Of course he 'apologized' as you say. But do you really think that he meant that?"

I was praying that Johnnie doesn't say anything but..

"I did mean it?" Johnnie said quietly, but Jack already hit him again.

"Shut up, you fucker! Anyway, Jake, since when do you care so much? I've always done stuff like this, and you never cared?"

I wince, that, technically, was right.

'Maybe i finally noticed that i should stand up for others, and not let you do stuff like that?'

'Maybe because u never really was fine with that?'

'Maybe because i want to get to know Johnnie, because he seems actually interesting?'

I finally answer.

"Maybe because i'm finally changing for the better, unlike you."

I push Jack and William away, squat down next to Johnnie, put an arm around his back to help him up, which makes him wince.

Sorry, Johnnie.

Once i finally got Johnnie to somewhat stand, i noticed that he could stand on only one leg, and barely that.

Jack was looking at me with his mouth open and William just seemed uncomfortable.

"I hope you get better, and just so you know, don't expect me to be seen with you ever again."

I say to Jack and William, before trying to take all of Johnnies weight on me, so it would be easier to move for him.

And goddamn, he's light.

Once we get out of sight from Jack and William, i carefully put Johnnie on a bench and sit down with him.

"Are you okay? Like how much damage did they do?" I ask him.

"I'm fine."

I look at him a bit longer with the "are you serious?" look before he looks down at his feet and tells me quietly.

"It hurts."

Before he could say anything else, i put my arm around him again, and we stand up.

Johnnie looks at me in shock and asks:

"Where are we going?"

Without even looking at him, i answer as we carefully walk.

"The nurses office."

884 words.

Next chapter is gonna be pure fluff y'all.

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