Chpt.10 - Johnnie's Not Answering?

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Jake POV

'God, i'm so fucking tired.' I think to myself. I didn't even do anything, but i had a slight fever today morning, so my mom told me to stay home.

I take my phone from charging on the countertop, and notice that i had a missed call.


I call back the number and after a couple of seconds, someone picks up.
It's a woman, definitely older then me.

"Hello?" I ask.

"...Hello, is this Jake Webber?" The woman asks me.

"Um, yeah? Why? Who is this?"

The woman waits for a second before answering.

"This is Mary Guilbert. Are you Johnnies friend?"

That's...his mom then, right?

"Uhh, yeah, why? Did something happen?"

I ask Mary.

"Well, i tried to reach Johnnie, and as you already noticed it's 11.17 pm, and he's not answering."

Wait, what? Also, is it really that late already? I look at my watch, it really was. Wait, did she just say Johnnie didn't pick up?

"Umm, maybe he's sleeping already?" I ask her, anxiety creeping up on me.

"No," she answers me, almost in a... bored voice?

"He never goes to bed before midnight. Also, i got a call saying that Johnnie missed thw last four of his classes."

"Oh," was all i could say. Fear starting crawling up my back, taking my thoughts over.

"Okay, did you get my number?"

"Well," she started. "Johnnie has mentioned you before, and he told me your number, just in case. And i think this might be the case. I swear to god, when i find Johnnie..." i heard her mumble.


His son is literally missing. Wait, at school? Could it be, that something bad happened?

Mary, told me details i should know, and that maybe i could help her find Johnnie.

Of course, i was gonna help. He's my friend.

"Okay, thank you miss. I'll call you, if i can reach Johnnie." I end the call, and i see... fucking William texted me about twenty minutes ago?

What does he want?

Please, don't pull any shit. Not right now. I open his text and... my eyes widen.


Anderson: Hey, sorry for texting you, but Jack came to me and said that he did something to, Johnnie? Was it? Anyway, please check up on him. I'm not sure, what Jack did, but best to check.

Me: ok, thanks.

Okay well, shit.


"I need to go mom!" I yell to my mom sitting in the living room.

"Wait, where are you going? You can't go like tha-" i didn't listen to her.

I grab my jacket, my phone and a flashlight, just in case.
I open the door and run to school.


The back gate is open. I sneak in and manage to get into school.

'I'm not leaving until i find a sign of Johnnie being here.' I thought, before quickly walking in corridors, checking every room with my flashlight.


God fucking damnit!

No matter where i looked, i could not find Johnnie.

Where the fuck was he?!

I've tried calling him and messaging him many times, but he's just not answering.

'Okay, one last time.' I thought to myself as i started my last round.

I started walking, until i heard someting clink behind me. Sharply, i turn around, only to hear more noises coming from the janitors closet. I walk closer and look through the small window.

I see... black, messy hair?

Wait, Johnnie!

It was locked from the outside so i opened it and, oh god.

There was Johnnie, on the floor, with really messy hair, fucking dry blood on his face, eyes red and he seemed so fragile that if i even went near him, he would break.

"Johnnie..." i whisper. I squat down to him and put my flashlight in the door, so it wouldn't lock.

"Johnnie, i-.. what happened?" I ask him.

Johnnie looked at me, his eyeshadow smudged all over his eyes, though i could see the redness in them.

"I.. um, someone locked me in. I hit my head, and it hurts like hell." Johnnie says in a very quiet voice.

Almost inaudible.

"Oh god." I take off my jacket, and wrap it around a shivering Johnnie. I wrap my arms around him, and hold him close to my chest, trying to get some warmth on him.

I close my eyes, and rock with him a little, trying to calm him down.

'How many hours has he been here? He must be starving.'

Once he mostly stops shaking, i help him stand up, supporting him around the waist.

He looks paler then usual, like he's about to pass out.

And i can't help it.

I'm fucking worried for him.

And i'm defenetly not leaving him alone. (Just as i'm writing this, Johnnie said in his song 'Victim'- "you left me alone" which i thought was cool XD - A/N)

Once we get out from school, Johnnie slowly starts to shrug the jacket off- No.

Nope, absoloutly not.

"No." I tell Johnnie strictly.

"I'm not leaving you alone. You've been bleeding. You can pass out on your way home."

"Jake-" Johnnie starts.

"No." I don't let him finish his sentence. "Johnnie, i care about you. You're a good person, a good friend, if i can call you that. And i really do care about you. So, no. I will not let you be alone"

Johnnie looks at me with wide eyes, as if he's surprised that someone actually cares about him.

"Come on." I gently place my hand arouns his waist and pull him with me. I remember the way to his house, so once we get there, we put our clothes away and i make Johnnie sit on the couch.

He shortly tells me "Top right shelf." I take out bandages, pain killers and some cleaning stuff for Johnnies head.

I squat in front of him and start cleaning his wound. It wasn't a small one, clearly. Blood dried just over his brow. Darkish red covering a quarter of his face.

Johnnie never stopped shaking completely, so as i clean his head, i whisper soothing stuff to him like "It's okay Johnnie, you're safe. You're safe with me. Nothing bad's going to happen. I'm not gonna let anything happen to you. It's okay."

Eventually Johnnie closed his eyes and fell asleep as i was whispering to him. I bandage his wound and put the stuff away. I then sit down next to Johnnie while looking at him. I, too, eventually fell asleep next to him, with my hand arm around his shoulders.

1102 words.

-A long one for y'all!

-Sorry for not posting, life is busy.

-Also, did y'all see what i did with the "anxiety creeping up on me"?? *winks*. ALEXA PLAY ANXIETY BY JOHNNIE GUILBERT!!!


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