Damned If You Do

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Penguin said "Isn't she darling? It's like having a cat around the house. But no horrid dead mice. And of course, I'm sure you know of Jacob. Jacob this is the man who took in your twin sister, of course it would be nice if she showed up." 

Jim said "Nice to meet you, Jacob, your sister talks a lot about you, She misses you and I think she would really want to see you in private." 

Penguin said "Well, I don't think he wants to" and Jacob said "No." 

Jim said "I need a favor. I figure you owe me one." and Penguin said "I do? I'm always happy to help you, Jim, but I-I, I don't recall..."  and Jim said "The hospital. I saved you from Maroni's men." 

Penguin said "But I was only there because you arrested me." 

Jim said "For attempted murder. Remind me again why I let you go." 

Penguin said "Enlightened friendship. I'd call us even, but... let's not quibble. I'm so happy you came to me for help, Jim. The answer is yes. Your wish is granted." 

Jim said "You don't know what it is yet." 

Penguin said "You want Loeb fired, and your old job back, no?" and Jim said "Yes." 

Penguin said "For a good friend like you, it can be done. If you're sure that's what you want." 

Jim said " I'm sure." 

Penguin said "May I ask why? Police work in Gotham is such a thankless job. What does Lee think?". 

Jim said "Who? Are you gonna help me or not? " and Penguin said "Relax. I already said I would help. He is so brusque, isn't he?". 

Jacob looked up and Jim said "There's something  else, whatever favour Eleanor Valeska owes you she doesn't owe you anything anymore." 

Penguin said "Well, isn't that sweet, how you protect her, she came here trying to help you and now your helping her, a real father you are." 

Jacob looked over at Jim. 

Penguin said "I think we could do that, Oh... while I think on it, perhaps there's a small favor you could do for me in return. I know how you hate to owe favors. I am having a small business dispute with a friend of mine. Ogden Barker. You have a persuasive personality. Perhaps you could talk to him. Take the grunt of her debt." 

Jim said "You want me to collect a debt for you?" and Penguin said "I want you to prove to me that our friendship is a real one, based on trust and equity. That's fair." 

Jim said "No. Sorry. Can't help you. Congratulations on all your success. Be good, Selina." 

Selina said "Always." 

Jim looked at Jacob and handed him a piece of paper and said "Meet her there, it's not going to cause any trouble, you two are twins, siblings." 

Jim walked away and Penguin said "Don't say no now, Jim. Sleep on it." 

At the Old Circus, Eleanor stood by a treehouse and Eleanor looked around and Jacob walked up and said "Nellie." 

Eleanor froze and turned around and smiled and said "Jake. Your,your, I never saw you and I didni't want to but it's." 

Jacob said "Yeah, it's me. Surprise" and Eleanor hugged him and he slightly hugged her back. 

Eleanor looked over at him and Jacob said "Someone could be watching" and Eleanor said "How did you survive?". 

Jacob said "Long story, I can't stay that long, I have to go back" and Eleanor said "To Penguin, why are you helping him." 

Jacob said "Are you serious, Nellie, your a cop's lackey" and Eleanor said "I am not a lackey. Jim, he's not like everyone else, He caught Jerome, He got." 

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