Too Tired (SolarxMoon)

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I don't normally write in POV's, but this story will be from Solar's POV. No, Moon is not aroace in this AU. And no, they don't consider each other brothers or cousins.


TW: cuddling, kiss


Solar rubbed his eyes slowly as he sat in an uncomfortable desk chair. The daycare's lights were down, allowing large LED stars to illuminate the room. He sleepily leaned into the desk in front of him, laying his head on the keyboard.

"Solar? What are you still doing up?" Solar tilted his head, yet didn't lift it, to see Moon at the doorway. The bright screen in front of him showed the time to be 12:27am.

"I guess I lost track of time...I just wanted to finish this project before falling asleep," Solar mumbled. "Why are you awake?"

" sounds creepy, but I got concerned for you. I didn't see you leave, and I couldn't fall asleep knowing that..."

Well, that's sweet of him. Wait, is Moon- blushing?

Moon definitely was blushing. To hide his bashfulness, he trodded behind Solar and rested his hands on their shoulders.

"You're gonna be exhausted in the morning. You probably haven't charged, either..." Moon whispered. Solar checked his battery, and sure enough, it was about to run out. Solar groaned and tried to stand from the chair, but collapsed in his own sleepiness. He was half-awake at this point.

What is he doing?

Moon hesitated strongly, but after a moment, slid his arms under Solar and picked him up slowly. Solar absentmindedly clung onto Moon while he was carried up into the theater.

I love this...Moon is sweet...

I want him to stay here with me...

Moon set Solar against the theater snack counter. Solar could barely see Moon gathering blankets and pillows from the storage shelf. Soon, he felt Moon gently pick him up once again and lay him in the soft pile of blankets. He checked to make sure Solar was charging. After ensuring Solar's comfort, Moon stood up slowly and started walking away before he felt Solar's hand hold his wrist.

"S-stay..." Solar mumbled. Both were so tired, they could not feel how flustered they were. Moon slumped beside Solar and pulled some of the various blankets onto himself.

Minutes passed...

They slowly leaned into each other...

They didn't realize it, but they were cuddling. Solar lay on his side with his arm around Moon, palm resting against their back. His legs laid on top of Moon's. Moon lay in a similar position, arms wrapped around his waist and holding him close. He nuzzled his chin on Solar's rays. Subconsciously, they both smiled. This is the closest they've ever been.

Just before falling totally asleep, Moon leaned closer...his face was so close to Solar's...his lips brushed against Solar's face...

He gently kissed Solar on the cheek as his consciousness slipped away. Though he was passed out, his lips never left Solar's face. Moon had a grin throughout the entire night.


Wonderful fluff 💗 I hope this was a good read! I plan to write a separate book designated to SolarxMoon, but let me know what you think.

Should this have a part 2 >:D?

Have a great day/evening!

(568 words)

SaMS OneshotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora