Solar's Birthday Party

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Solar's passing has hurt tons of fans in the last couple days (I get y'all), and THE ACTING IN THE NEW LAES EPISODE WAS SO GOOD IT WAS HEARTBREAKING, so I thought I'd do a birthday for him to cheer up the mood; at least, I believe today is his birthday. Enjoy!
(This is fluff, and for context, everything in the lore is happy or chill right now)


Instead of working in the theater or gift shop, Solar was told to spend time in the daycare. He wasn't personally a fan of the experience, especially when there were overeager kids running around the room, but some parts were good. At one point, a quiet girl came up to the security desk and looked up at Solar.

"Mr. Solar? Hi, uh- my friend got hurt..." Solar jumped from his chair, ready to help.

"Where?" The girl pulled out a caramel bear from behind her and extended it towards Solar- its arm was splitting at the seam. Solar sighed in relief.

"Thank god, it's just a toy and not a kid- Fazbear would kill me," he mumbled. Solar stepped out from the desk and kneeled to the girl, putting a hand on her shoulder. "I can help them! What's their name?"

"Teddy. And I'm Eva." she whispered. Solar put his hand out for Teddy, where Eva set him gently.

"Well, Eva, I'll get Teddy fixed right up for ya." He pulled a drawer out of the desk, grabbing thread and a pointy needle. He wove it through Teddy's injury, pulling together the soft fabric with swift, precise movements.

Hardly a moment later, Solar had closed off the seam and pulled a Rainbow Dash sticker from the drawer below, putting it on Teddy's chest. Eva's face lit up when she saw her fixed friend.

"Thank you for helping Teddy!" she hugged Solar, grabbed the bear and walked away. He couldn't help but smile at the interaction.


Solar watched as Earth sent the children off with their parents. After the last kid left with their parents, he groaned.

"Wow, Earth, some interesting people come through here. I suppose that's what happens when you have a dimensional portal," Solar grinned and embraced Earth.

"That would be a good explanation...hey, Solar?" Earth turned to him with a nervous smile. "Is it okay...if I call you my brother instead of our cousin?" Solar's eyes widened, as he didn't expect the question. He didn't think much of the family dynamic-but that didn't change his answer.

"If that's what you'd prefer," he cheered. Earth beamed at their new brother.

"Thank you, Solar-" before they finished speaking, Solar got a notification.

"Huh. Moon needs me in the theater, do you want to come along, or..?"

"That's okay, I'll stay here. See you later!" they snickered as Solar jogged out.


Up at the theater, he flicked on the lights. No sign of Moon.

"Moon? You here, bud?" he stepped into the backroom, still not seeing anyone. "Did I get set up-" Solar pondered. The only noises he could hear was the whirring of ventilation and faint chatter; likely from the movie player, even though it's meant to be shut off when unattended. Then, a new sound emerged: a sneer from behind him. He was grabbed on the shoulders and spun around.

"God, Sun- wait, what are you doing up here? Did Moon message you too?" After he spoke, several other animatronics came towards him, wearing colorful apparel. Solar finally realized what was happening. "Oh, crap."

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DUMB*SS!" Moon laughed. Lunar screamed into a kazoo while Monty snickered at them. Earth secretly followed Solar out of the daycare and joined the crowd. Puppet, Vegeta, and even Jack were there. After Monty was done laughing at Lunar's attempt to use a kazoo, they approached Solar and picked him up, holding the shouting animatronic above his head. Earth stared in disapproval of their non-consented action.

"LETS GO PARTY, TWINK!" Monty and the crowd walked out and towards the Fazcade.


Ruin was waiting for them there, managing the tables and food. Next to them, a table of wrapped and bagged gifts. They waved as everyone arrived. Solar had stayed quiet, despite wanting to blast Monty into next Tuesday for carrying him the entire way. Solar was set down, yet slapped Monty on the snout.

After a bit of socializing (which was the most difficult part of the party for him), Solar grabbed some food, along with other bio-organic animatronics. He dished chips and small cookies onto his plate. Most of the celestial family was already at a table, so he joined them and sat between Moon and Lunar. Moon wrapped an arm around Solar before sticking a party hat on one of his rays. It said "I can fix it, but I'll cuss the whole time" and had a candy corn pattern. Solar thought it was too funny, and did not take it off.

"Oh, Moon, I wanted to ask; did one of you tell Fazbear to take me out of theater work today, or did they do that on their own?" Moon shrugged, instead starting a conversation with Sun.


The snacks were pretty good. He even got to smash a chocolate cupcake on Lunar's face, which brightened everyone's smiles, including Lunar's. After a decent amount of time passed, they began handing Solar gifts. He had to sit on the ground, as he was bombarded with packages of all sizes and types. It was almost overwhelming. The first one he opened was from Earth, and had a note of appreciation with some cash. He gingerly pulled apart the wrapping paper, opening a box and finding a kit for knitting. He smiled warmly at Earth and thanked them, setting it aside to open the next item. Lunar gave them a note, saying that they managed to recover their hardcore world with Solar. He nearly cried with joy from the news. Moon got him new gloves, yet apologized for not getting anything more because he didn't know what Solar would enjoy or not. He assured Moon he appreciated the gift, and that he needed new gloves anyways. Sun got him several celestial-themed items and accessories, a shirt of which matched with Sun's shirt. Puppet got him a manga, which he thanked her for. Monty got him a Twink shirt, along with an aggressive hug for "giving Puppet a much needed friend". Solar didn't know whether that was meant to be a compliment towards him for being a good friend, or a joke that Puppet was unlikable, but he shrugged it off and thanked them. Several other gifts came to him. By the end, Solar was surrounded by tokens of appreciation towards him. He admired each one as the others separated from the group, splitting into their own conversations or getting second servings. Jack was keeping Vegeta busy with the 'Fusion Dance' or whatever it is they called it. People slowly left to rest or recharge their social battery. Solar was left cleaning up the place with Ruin and Sun, but he didn't mind taking care of the mess.

"Good night, brother," Earth told Solar as they carried Lunar away to sleep. Being called 'brother' was unusual, but it warmed his heart, so he didn't mind. Once decorations were packed into boxes and trash was disposed of, Ruin left the scene to rest in the Fazcade backroom, leaving Solar and Moon alone.

"I had a great time, thank you for all this." Solar hugged Moon.

"I don't know if you celebrate birthdays or not, but we wanted to show our appreciation and care for you regardless. Also, Earth told me you've been updated to brother status," Moon elbowed him. "I am glad to be your brother."

"One of my best friends and brothers is the same person? I'm sure spoiled, aren't I?" he gave Moon a pat on the back.

"Happy birthday, Solar."


This was fun to write, even though it's late at night so people won't really see this on his birthday 💀

(1346 words)

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