New discoveries (Chapter 8)

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Megatron pov (side note, he knows that starscream originally is a femmen. It one of the secrets she has told megatron but starscream feels both femmen and mech so he's bigender. the only other ones who knows this is optumis and ratchet but they don't want to make stasrcream uncomfortable with others knowing he's bigender so they use only her/she )

Frag!!! Ugh starscream has been capture by the autobots three days ago and things haven't been good. Soundwave had to much work to do and so much stress that he hasn't had any energon or recharge in three fragging days. A few hours ago he shut down to to stress, lack of energon, and lack of recharge. I saw that since starscream isn't here he has to do his work. Soundwaves work isn't a lot but starscreams work almost made me faint due to how much he has. I never knew that he had the most work out of everyone. Ugh he probably hasn't had energon, recharge, or no stress in only primus knows how long. I started to fell bad in saw what it did to soundwave. The work made him to start cutting himself and this was for only three days!!! He has had this work for almost 4 million years. Imaginary how much that plus my abuse has front to his physical states and mental. I turned around to see that glitch arachnid coming towards me. When she's reached me she kneeled and bowed then stood up.

"Lord megatron, i think we should waste our resources on finding so useless seeker. You have everything you need here" she said then winked at me

I kept my face neutral but inside i was disgusted. Later I'm gonna give her a reminder of who i am and what she is to me. A bug, no better yet a pathetic bug.

"I will do what i want with no exhortation arachnid"

She giggled and then slowly walked over to me. She was swinging her waist while she was walking which I was suspicious of.

"Lord megaton~" she said in a lustful tone

"I could be you second command and we could rule together without that seeker"

She putted her servos on my frame and turned it to her direction. I knew what she was trying to do. She was trying to mate with me, if she did that the she would be the ruler of the decepticons.

"Leave" I growled which made her scarred and she immediately left.

Coward, she tries to mate with me but runs away when I'm in a bad mood. Even starscream wouldn't run away when i growl. Frag he never ran away from me, no matter what. I sighed and thought of soundwave. I left the throne room and headed to the medical room. While walking there i stoped by starscream room. It was next to tot the medical room. Ugh i miss him. I opened his door and took a step inside his room. There was a cold breezed that could have off lined me. I started to shiver. How the frag does starscream live here with this coldness. I looked around to see that there wasn't really anything here. The only things that were here were a berth, a desk, and a chair. On top of the desk was stacks of data pads and a computer. I opened the computer and saw that the only thing in there was work. . I then began to notice something, the work in this room said the date of three days ago. Then something clicked. This was the work that starscream was doing three days ago. This much work, has he been doing this much work per day???!!!! I was outraged. When stasrcream comes back then I'm giving him a break. If….he comes back. Does he even want to come back? I shook my frame from those thoughts. I decided to stop invading his room and headed towards the door. I accidentally tripped over a pile of data pads while heading to the door. I lifted myself up to see a diary. Interesting, it had a purple scene and had something i didn't understand on it. I grabbed it and sat on his berth. Opening the book to see what it contains.

Entry ???

I'm so excited today. Why? Well I'm excited because today is get to see my sire. I haven't seen him in eons. I still can't believe that dad is this plant earth. Well it's not a planet. It's just a cover from him. No one else knows that he is here. To be honest I don't think anyone will know. If I tell them he's here they will come and try to offline him. I can't let that happen. Not again

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