The ride home(chapter 4)

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Orian's pov

"Hey pax wake up"

"Brother come on"

"Huh" i said waking up to megatronus and skywarp calling me. I rubbed my optics with my servos and turned my frame towards megatronus.

"Where are we" i asked

"I don't know but starscream wanted to show us this place" megatron replied,

I turned my head to look at what they were talking about to be shown the most beautiful thing in my life. Frag the castle this is more beautiful. The leave were purple with some energon on them. Their trunks were a silver colored grey with some blue light shining from them. The grass was light purple matching the trees leaves and the ground was silver with that blue energon light showing again. There were purple flowers along with the grass. I was so amazed that I didn't notice someone was trying to talk to me until i was pulled away from the valley.


"Sorry orian, you weren't responding to and i got worried." Megatronus explained and also everything else

"It ok, and thanks...........wait are those statues of each the thirteen primes" i shouted point to their states.

The statues were silver colored with their optics being blue to match the energy and colors that were in the valley. The i noticed a seeker was there. The seeker looked like a femmen and a golden yellow color for her design.

"Her name is sunstorm, she skywarp girlfriend and teaches the little one about the primes and the other stuff in that topic." Explained starscream

Suddenly i was moving but i was still. Then i noticed that starscream was carrying me. 'He must have been carrying me while i was sleeping' i thought. He putted me down and told the others to wait outside the place then picked me up again.

"Hi starscream what brings you here" asked sunstorm.

"My friends that are on a tour for vos and want to hear about the thirteenth primes from you."

"Sure, I'll be happy to tell them,"

Starscream walked towards the group and told them to sit in front of sunstorm.

"Long before this universe existed, "sunstorm began, there were three brothers, primus, unicron, and the one"

"Wait weren't there two brothers" i asked.

"there are actually three but most only say two because no one knows who the third is or what the brothers name" explained sunstorm

"Let's continue, the oldest brother created his little brothers unicron and primus, both at the same time, neither older than the other. Then one day the oldest snapped, he lost control of himself and almost killed his brothers. Because of that he told his brothers that they were in charge and he will go. Unicron took control of the evil in side the oldest and primus the good side of the oldest. He promised to them that in there greatest time of need he will come back. Also that when he comes back he will judge how humanity is and will decide if it is worth living by living among them as them."

"Wow" me, soundwave, and megatronus said.

"This is why we seekers have a trine, each one to keep the others in balance. The leader as the oldest and the other two as primus and unicron."

"Wait what about the thirteen primes" asked megatronus

"I'm getting , be patient....As the years kept going the two brothers kept fighting. Each becoming what they were giving from the older brother. Evil took over unicron until he became the destroyer of worlds. They were no more brother but now enemies wanting their side to win. Primus knowing that if unicron defeated him the sides would be unbalanced so he created the thirteen primes. Together they restored balance to humanity. The primes wanted to have lives of their own so they set out of the afterlife and created the original thirteen cities, Vos, Kaon, Iacon, Praxus, Tiger Pax, Kalis, Tarn, Crystal City, Altihex, Nova Cronum, Uraya, and finally Gygax. Each of these city's were made by one of the thirtheen primes. And vos was made by the thirteenth prime himself.

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