chapter 18

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Payu's POV :-

Rain: payu,I don't want to go there.

Payu: Rain, its your father and also the king of your village. I think it'll be not a good idea to turn down his invitation.

Rain just lower his face with a dull face. Now I really wanna know what happen that rain don't wanna go to his own village..

I called sky,prapai, saifah and pol and inform them about rain father's invitation. They all seem happy but sky was looking at rain with concern. And rain was sitting on my lap,hugging me,put his head on chest so I don't know his expressions.

Payu: sky, can i ask you something?

Sky: what is it general?

Payu: rain said he doesn't want to go to his own village and meet his own father. And he seems upset about his invitation. And by your expression, you seem concern about rain. What really happened? Can you explain.

Sky looked at rain for his confirmation. Rain gave a nod to him so he took long breath...

Sky: rain was just 5 years old when he lost his mother in an accident. The only emotional support that he had that time was his father, but his father got married to another woman, she already had 2 children ple and som. The new queen mother promise to take care of rain to his father but when his father was not around she used to do dirty trickes and made rain's image all negative. Then his father starts to neglect rain and never listen his explanations at all. When she had enough, she put som and pal behind rain to bully him and take sympathy from his father.

Even though rain had a whole family but no one was with him in that mansion to even listen to him. First I was scared to approach and make friend with him as he was the elder son of our village king but he was so down to earth, he never make me feel I'm any low from him. We were together all that time in that difficult time. And on top of that, you may doesn't know about this but rain used to had nightmares, scared to sleep we used to play and read mangas all night.

Even when his father decided his marriage with you, he didnt even asked rain permission. They made him pressure to marry you without asking him If he wanted to. No one in that village or in that court of his father, even his own father didnt care about him. He used rain to make a deal with you,that you need to help them with those assassin who were making mess in that village. He didnt want to go there is becoz he don't want to face all those things again.

Payu: who said he is going to face those things again. He is generals wife. I will not let anything happen again. And what they did with rain, who ever made rain to face all those things, they will pay for it.

I looked at prapai and saifah, they both looked more aggressive than me, after what sky said it was making my blood boil. I will  make sure they suffer what they did with rain. I looked at rain, he sensed my emotions,putting his hands on my cheeks , running his thumb on his cheeks...

Payu: do you trust me varain?

Rain: hmm, I trust you.

Payu:so if I ask you to accept your father's invitation and go. Will you do that.

Rain: if you are with me, I'm ready to do anything.

His answer made me want to pinch him and squish his cheeks, he is being extremely adorable these days. He giggles softly, I pulled him more towards me as he was sitting on my laps.

Prapai: ahem!

Sky: prapai, am I visible to you.

Prapai: no, am I visible to you saifah.

Saifah: no, I want to go outside. Its so suffocate here. There is so much love in this air here.

Sky: you guys carry on, we will take our leave.

Prapai: and we will send him reply that we will be their on time for the event.

I nodded at prapai and they all left,leaving us alone. Rain being naughty sitting on laps, he starts to wiggle, innocently looking at me like he is has done nothing. But one thing was stuck in my mind. Sky said rain had nightmares almost everyday but I have slept with him but he never had nightmares.

Rain was looking at me seducing way, getting closer to my lips to kiss me but....

Payu: Rain, you didnt mention about your nightmares to me before?

Rain: its becoz it stops triggering me after I met you?

Payu: huh!?

Rain: when I first came here, the first night when we both were in our room, you pulled me into your embrace and made me sleep peacefully on your chest, I felt so safe and secure in your arms that I slept without any fear, and after that it didnt trigger me whenever I had you beside me. When you were not around, I make to spend time with sky. So till now nightmares didnt trigger me.

Payu: what cause you to had nightmares?

Rain: it started happening when I saw my mom burning, screaming in front of me.

My Mom found out that my father was cheating on her. My father fell in love with a lady who used to take care of him. Then she told him about her pregnancy and my father decided to marry her as well.My mom didnt able to take that news.

I was standing at the door,looking at my parent, my mom was screaming,shouting, crying, blaming my father that he cheated on her. My father was trying to make her understand that he wanted to take the responsibility of her. She hold his collar and she asked to divorce, she wanted to take me with her to my grandparents. But my father yank her hands, and he was not ready to divorce my mother as she was the reason he got the positions of the king.

After my father left, she fall on her knees, crying, sobbing hard, she looked so broked. But she immediately wiped her tears, came in front. She looked at me with tears visible in her eyes, she took at deep breath,and closed the door on my face. After that I heard noises that she was throwing everything, screaming. I tried to call her, banging on the door, requesting to opened the door, but she didnt listen. And again I heard the voice of her screaming but this time it was out of fear.

I ran to my father, told him everything. He came running with me and made our guards to broke the door. When they opened it, everything was burned, even my mother. Then I saw my father sitting on his knees, crying, blaming himself that he made her upset, causing this thing to happen. After that he starts loving me more, taking care of me more, but when he married to that woman, she made a huge barrier between me and my father that I was not able to break it till now.

Payu: what was the cause of the fire to burn the whole room?

Rain: my father told me that, when she was throwing everything, she accidentally throw candles, first making all curtains to burn then it starts spreading everywhere in the room, causing her to suffocate to breath and sh-she-

Payu: its okay. Don't say it. Let's just focus on the event and our baby that is growing inside you. Just leave everything on me okay? Everything will be alright.

I assured him. Making him sleep on chest. His family doesn't seem normal. There is something to it that is not right. I'll talk with prapai about this later but now my main focus is rain. His safety is more important. He is more important for me right now. His past is something I didn't expected. My baby goes through so much and I will not let anything happen again. And about that queen mother,ple,som, I'll not leave them so easily after knowing what they did with my baby. They need to pay for every freaking thing they did to my rain.


Something is going to happen!👀


This story will last only 4-5 chapters as I cannot stretch it more, it will be boring. And I can assure you that you will be satisfied with the ending.

And I also have a new story in my mind.its a little bit complicated. If I got a chance. I'll write and let you know.

Thank you for reading this story. Love you all.

general's wife (payurain)Where stories live. Discover now