chapter 16

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No ones POV :

Payu: we might hurt our little one.

Rain: so you don't love me anymore.

Rain shows his puppy eyes to payu,blinking it. He want his husband now as he was not able to be with him for weeks that felt like decades to him. Now that his husband is in front of him and payu is afraid that they might hurt their baby that was growing inside him but nothing was going inside rain's brain. He wants his husband now no matter what.

Payu can feel the arousal from rain's body language and he cannot stop him, if he did, he might hurt rains feelings. So...

Payu: rain we can't do anything here. Let's go to our room hmm?

Without knowing his answer, He took rain in his arms,looking into his eyes he can see the surprised ran with red face, as he was looking so intensely at him, he immediately circled his arms around payu's neck tightly and put his face into his neck. Payu without resisting his wife's cuteness, gave a little kiss on his neck and not wasting more time, he took him to their room.

After taking him inside, payu gently put rain on to the bed, making him be seated comfortably on it. He sat on his knees, caressing his tummy as their little one is growing inside. He felt so much overwhelmed by it that now they are going to be parent, just by the thought of him being the father of a child was making him so much happy, joyfull, these words are not enough to describe his feelings ,he would never been able to felt this way if its not because of rain. The thought of rain carrying their baby was making him so much blissful that he can't wait to make more with him.

He gently touched his tummy and runny his finger tips around it but rain grab his hand, getting lower,making him touching his hard member, that was leaking by the touch of his husband. Payu didn't expected he has this empact on his little wife. Looking at his face,he can see the desire, the need in his eyes,this was making payu to lose his control as well. But holding onto the peak of his sanity, he control himself and tried to make rain to release without hurting him.

So he gently remove rain's lowers. Touching him with bare hands,rain that was getting so much pleasure from his husband, he fall behind on the bed,breathing heavily, sweat dripping from his neck, making payu to get the same pleasure as him. Payu starts stroking him from gently to the more force, making him release fast as his wife seems so tired. And after few more strokes , he splash his liquid  all over payu and his hand.

Rain who was breathing harshly,starts drifting to close his eyes,payu was looking at his wife who was being so adorable to him like this being under him. So he gave a little peck on his forehead,making him sleep comfortably to the bed and got up to freshen up.

Before he got up and left,rain immediately sat up,pulling payu by his waist, and starts removing his lowers. Payu seems surprised by his wife who seem sleepy just minutes ago. But now he seems more active and his actions demanding more. Rains lower payus dress, making his sharp length visible to his face. Payu who was scared they might hurt the fatigue. So he tried to stop rain by pushing him lightly on his shoulder but he got a look that dare him to pouch rain again. So without any option he surrender to rain.

Rain see the huge monster in front of his eyes that was the cause now he is carrying a little life. He didnt expected it to be so thick, lengthy and top part that was leaking continuesly becoz of rains hot breathing falling on it. Just rains finger tips touching it, the hard rode twitch a little making payu to loose his strength in his feet.he still stand straight, not wanting to disappoint rain. Rain looked up at him with those innocent Dow eyes and gave a small lick on his length making payu to hold his breath, he starts leaking more just becoz the way he looked at him.

Rain took a hold on to payus hard thing with both of his hands,looking up at him,he took the top pinkish part in his mouth licking it, sucking it like payu did when they were in the tent and he remember every detail of it how payu make him feel so much pleasure, from then he thought he would give back same pleasure to him.he had Every moment of it picture in his head that was on repeat in his mind. He played with it a little bit before starts taking all into his mouth. He barely fit in but didnt want to give up, it was making payu see the whole universe on his head.Rain starts fasten his speed ,getting use to it.

When payu knew that he is going to release now. He instantly come to his sense and trying to stop him. Not wanting to release in his mouth as they can hurt the little one. On the other hand, rain starts sucking more harshly, not wanting to take out from his mouth. Without any option, payu hold onto rain face and took out himself from rains mouth,and as soon as he took out, he released his splash on the ground, making rain to look up at him with accusing eyes as he did a crime by not letting him release his liquid in rain's mouth.

Payu: rain baby, you can't swallow it, it can effect the little one growing inside you.

Rain: but I-

Payu: no rain, we can do it,after our little one came out from you hmm?

Rain without any option,agreed with his husband with a pouty face, making payu to chuckle at his cuteness who was trying to be naughty moments ago. He immediately went to wash up and also gave a sponge bath to rain. Rain who was already sleepy, waited to payu to join and when he came, he instantly went on his side and sleep on his chest, making himself more safe secure and loved. Payu also liked the way rain behaved today, never in his dream he thought he would be able to see this side of rain. Thanks to his pregnancy moods,now he gets to know more of rain.He is excited as well as worried that he might hurt rain unintentionally as rain doesn't listen to him but he needs to be more careful and patience.

As both of them were tired from. morning and now after making out session, they doze off instantly...


I know its shorter than usual but I wrote whole chapter but when I tried to save and publish it, half of my chapter washed off. And I doesn't have strength to write the whole thing again so I'm posting it like this. From next chapter I'll be more careful.

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