chapter 8

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  Payu's POV :
          The next day I woke up with enough rest,rains is still curl into me clinging,holding me tightly,face is in my neck,I just caresses his hair, we both didnt had food last day,he will be hungry if he woke up,so I got up first not before kissing his fore head,cheeks and lips and slip out from bed, wash up and going to see what they have cooked in the kitchen.

I ask one of my maid,what they had cooked,she just shyly smiled and told me that they cooked white porridge becoz its warm and cozy so rain will like it. I didnt pay attention to their weird expressions and giggles. I took that porridge and came back to our room. Rain was still sleeping and I cannot explain how cute he is looking right now. I put that porridge on the side table and tried to wake him up.

Payu: rain baby, wake up its already morning.

Rain: mmm, payu let me sleep for more time.

He is not going to wake up like this. So I just took him in my arms ,I sat on the bed and make him sit on my lap.

Rain: hm, payu what are you doing?

Payu:You didnt have anything from yesterday rain. You need some energy,so eat this porridge and you can go back to sleep if you want.

Just like a good boy that he is, he obeyed and opens his mouth to eat. He must be hungry but also feeling tired,so he wants to sleep first. Even though I go very easy on him but still feeling sorry that he has to go through this becoz of me.

He is sitting and holding onto my neck ,eyes closed,just opening his mouth to eat and I'm feeding him. He finished it in no time. I put him down onto bed,kiss him, leaving him to rest for some more time.

Im going to my study room,prapai need to explain everything to me. I came here to see that prapai, sara,saifah is here and looking that  they are having a serious conversation..

Payu: prapai,what happened?

Prapai: I need to talk to you alone.

Payu: sara, you can go now. Leave us alone for some time.

She looked heartbroken for a moment, just nodded and left..

Payu: tell me prapai, everything...

Prapai: as you know when I came here with soldiers,some of them already ran away just looking at us and some of them were still fighting. We arrested the man who was leading them here. He said the one who send them here and behind the attack that happened on you before is' Stop'.

He is the son of the southern pack leader, the one who you killed during the war when southern leader attack us 2 years ago. After the death of their leader ,the whole pack was displaced and you gave them a place where they can spend their lives but they all vanish and we got to know that now he has a son.We were investigating about him when he tried to attack you. But in all those investigation,we only got to know his name. No other information about how he looks,where he is,and how he is getting people to send in here.

Payu: he seems more dangerous than we thought. He can took advantage of not being seen. We need to be more careful.

I was still discussing the matter with saifah and prapai when my eyes falls on rain,who was walking in the corridor ,still rubbing his eyes,looking so small and fragile. I excused myself from them to ran him,hugged him. He instantly put his hand on my neck,put his head on my neck,took a long breath....

Rain: payu, why did you leave me alone there.

Payu: rain, you were sleeping and I really wanted to talk prapai about that incident so I came here.

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