32.- Under test

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I feel fortunate to have people who remind me that I don't have to do it all alone. While the future can be intimidating, there's no need to rush. Focus on what you do well and on the areas where you can still improve.

The day after Sakura cried with the help of Bakugo, Midoriya, and Todoroki got up early, even before the sun rose. However, they noticed that Sakura wasn't in her bed. Normally, by the time they woke up, Sakura was already finishing getting ready to go train. This time, she was nowhere to be found and wasn't in the training area.

They decided not to waste time and started training since they were awake. Once they finished and showered, they went downstairs for breakfast, but again, Sakura wasn't present. Even in classes, she missed the first and second class. Since classes with Aizawa hadn't started yet, the whole class began to wonder if she had left to attend a press conference.

During the break, the students of Class 1-A were lined up in the cafeteria, waiting for their turn to grab food.

"Surely, she's in a meeting, that's why she didn't let us know this time that she was going out," said Iida, trying to find a logical explanation for Sakura's absence.

"She could have at least sent a message," added Ashido with a pout.

"Maybe it was an emergency," suggested Sato.

Before they could continue speculating, they fell silent as they saw the students from Class 1-B walking in a group with their trays of food. Everyone, including Monoma, looked dejected and had bandages and bruises in multiple places. The most surprising thing was seeing Monoma ignore them and keep walking to his table with his classmates.

"What could have happened to them to be in that state?" Yaoyorozu wondered aloud.

Almost everyone in the class felt a shiver run down their spine, sensing that nothing good would come from finding out the answer. Trying to pretend they didn't notice the state of Class 1-B, they got their food and talked about trivial topics. They even stopped wondering what Sakura might be doing.

Once the break was over, they headed straight to the training field where Aizawa, All Might, and Ectoplasm were waiting for them, but this time they didn't go to the usual training area. Instead, they headed to the Unexpected Disaster Simulation Center.

The class entered cautiously, remembering that it was in this first training session with their Quirks that the villains managed to infiltrate the academy and attack them, experiencing a true fight against villains for the first time.

Upon entering the center, they saw Aizawa, All Might, Ectoplasm, and Sakura, who seemed to be glowing with energy, lined up in a row.

"Sakura! Have you finished the interview?" Kaminari asked, happy to see her.

The cleverest individuals began to doubt. If Sakura had arrived on time, she wouldn't be so cheerful. Perhaps she would have joined everyone for lunch or at least in the locker rooms.

"Sensei, shouldn't we be in the gym practicing our skills?" Kirishima asked, receiving nods from several of his classmates.

Aizawa cleared his throat before speaking.

"The licensing exam is in a few days, so we've decided to conduct this practice in the morning," he said, pronouncing the word "morning" with a slight tone of disdain. "Sakura, please continue."

Some of the class members began to nervously swallow, while others felt a bead of sweat run down their temple as they connected Aizawa's words, Sakura's mention, and the state of Class 1-B. Although some of those who started deducing what was going to happen felt excited about the fight.

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