1.- Transported to another world

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Special thanks to Choc_OhLa who help me to correct this chapter. ❤️❤️

<< Ever since the chunin exam I thought I would be a support ninja forever, staying behind and taking care of my precious people. Thanks to Tsunade-sama's help, I got to improve my skills. In the fourth ninja war, I was finally able to keep up with Naruto and Sasuke. Yet they advanced in leaps and bounds and once again my achievements seemed insignificant beside them. Always being there as support, that's how it was even when I never thought my life would take a 180° turn right after the war ended.>>

When she woke up from the Genjutsu Sasuke had thrown at her, Sakura bit the inside of her cheek in frustration. She again had fallen for one of Sasuke's tricks and was cast aside. With Kakashi holding her, all the pride she took for having fought alongside her team was dented as she watched his dark eyes soften.

She didn't want sympathy, not even though if she were the one to see herself, she would make that same expression. Who would fall for the same trick over and over again? Definitely she.

Her wounds still ached, though her pride even more. Sakura got away from Kakashi trying to straighten her spine as much as she could and went straight to where huge columns of smoke rose over and over again announcing the place where Naruto and Sasuke were fighting. If she could, she would be healing herself right now, but knowing those two, it would be best to save what was left of her chakra. She almost fainted not so long ago when they searched for Sasuke from dimension to dimension.

Not far from her, Kakashi followed: he was also worried about the two boys

Suddenly, the two had to stop abruptly when a huge explosion hit the ground almost carrying them with the wind in the opposite direction to which they were going. The earth creaked and trembled violently.

"Those two, they're going to kill each other!" the kunoichi growled in frustration.

As Sakura accelerated, she saw the two of them fighting each other fiercely. At this rate, they were going to kill each other. She didn't know what prompted her, perhaps the adrenaline rush from the ninja warfare or the frustration of always being left behind that for once in her life, instead of staying behind and waiting for them to stop hitting each other, she pushed chakra to her feets and propelled himself forward.

The last thing she felt from Kakashi was the brush of his fingers on her shirt before she heard him call her name in the distance.

<<Who knew that at that moment I had said enough, and I finally plucked up the courage to stand in the way since this time I had enough strength to fight if necessary>>

"Stop!" Sakura screamed so loud that her vocal cords tore.

With the chidori and the rasengan in hand, the two widened their eyes to see her running towards them with her fists ready to hit them. They tried to stop the crash however it was too late: the speed at which they were going prevented them from stopping. The blows of the three were going to collide.

"Sakura Chan!" Naruto yelled desperately.

Sasuke, in an attempt to stop the blow, activated the rinnegan creating a portal. Unlike the previous ones, this time the background was dark and thick like mist. Something was wrong.

<<Now, I think what happened at that time is that somehow the two portals were connected>>

The force of the portal was so great that it began to suck everything in its path like a black hole, including Sakura, who was the closest. Due to the speed that she carried with her and being the closest she began to turn directly inwards.

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