19.- Diplomacy in Another World

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"There are things that, even when changing worlds, remain the same both there and here. I feel remorse for involving them in something that they possibly would never have experienced if not for me."

When they arrived on the island, the sun emerged on the vast horizon surrounded by the sea. The artificial island, true to its name, took on the shape of a sea turtle. Eagerly, they began to admire the infrastructure, technology, and security from the moment they set foot on the airport.

The first step to enter was to undergo identity verification, providing blood samples and receiving identification and access bracelets that could not be removed at any time. As the secretary of the prime minister explained during the tour, being the island where the United Nations Association congresses take place, it is one of the safest places in the world, even more so than Tartaro and I-Island. The island has the privilege of political asylum for the nations associated with the UNA. As a security measure, freely using quirks is prohibited to avoid misunderstandings and international problems, unless they have the corresponding permission upon entering establishments.

Inside the island, they were surprised to find an environment surrounded by opulence and elegance, both in tall and large buildings and in the people. Actors, singers, celebrities, state-of-the-art cars, and high-end fashion dazzled them.

The surprise faded when Aizawa's deep voice was heard from the front, alongside the prime minister's secretary and Present Mic, who were assigned to keep them under control.

"Listen," Aizawa warned gravely, "stay calm, follow instructions, don't run, and stay close."

"But sensei!" Kaminari and Ashido protested.

They suppressed their complaints, as did the others who were dissatisfied, when Aizawa's eyes glowed red.

"Don't be too hard on them, Eraserhead," the secretary intervened to boost the kids' spirits.

"Yeah, Eraser, they're at the age to have fun, Yeah!" said Present Mic, hanging on his best friend's arm.

Aizawa simply looked at him in annoyance, unable to comprehend how, among all the teachers, the principal decided he was the best choice to accompany him in handling his students, especially considering that several of them already had problematic backgrounds.

Luckily for Aizawa, it wasn't long before a large limousine pulled up in front of them. The driver got out, and as he opened the door, they were surprised to see the Prime Minister himself greeting them from inside. They quickly bowed.

"Please, come in, you are our dear guests," said the Prime Minister, stepping aside to allow the kids to pass.

Immediately, Ilda, along with Aizawa and Present Mic, established the order to enter the limousine one by one. Once inside, those who were not nervous or intimidated by being with one of Japan's most important figures were excited about the luxuries in front of them.

"Thank you very much for allowing us to come," Aizawa expressed on behalf of everyone present.

"In reality, I am the one who should say that," the Prime Minister responded, downplaying the teacher's words. "Miss Haruno Sakura will surely be very happy when you see her."

Discreetly, the secretary signaled to the driver, and the car began to move. On the other hand, the hero class students showed more interest in the Prime Minister's words than in admiring the luxury of the car and the streets through the window.

"Are we going to see Sakura?" Ashido asked.

"I'm sorry," apologized the Prime Minister, showing a bit of embarrassment. "Actually, at this moment, we are still discussing Haruno-san's situation within the congress. I took the liberty of stepping out, leaving the Minister of Foreign Affairs in charge. Ah, it seems we have arrived at the headquarters; I'll leave you with my secretary to guide you."

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